Saturday, August 31, 2019

Native Son by Richard Wright Essay

Richard Wright was determined to make a profound statement. In his novel, Native Son, he endeavors to present the â€Å"horror of Negro life in the United States† (Wright xxxiii). By addressing such a significant topic, he sought to write a book that â€Å"no one would weep over; that would be so hard and deep that they would have to face it without the consolation of tears† (xxvii). Native Son is a commentary on the poverty and helplessness experienced by blacks in America, and it illustrates the abhorrent ways that blacks were treated, describes their awful living conditions and calls attention to the half-hearted efforts offered by white sympathizers. Told from the perspective of his character Bigger Thomas, Wright crafts a story depicting the oppressive lives endured by Negroes and makes it so despicable that it grabs the attention of the reader and forces him to reevaluate the state of society. There is much in this novel that would cause a reader to cry, but, to W right’s point, the topic is so significant that it resonates more deeply and elicits a deeper response. Bigger Thomas is the protagonist of the novel, but, to Wright, Bigger also exemplifies African Americans of the time. He is barely educated, struggling to find meaningful work and living in an overcrowded slum with his family; just like many others around him. Bigger is frustrated with his place in life and finds it difficult to understand why the opportunities that are available to whites are not available to him. During an exchange with his friend Gus, Bigger exclaims, â€Å"Goddammit, look! We live here and they live there. We black and they white. They got things and we ain’t. They do things and we can’t. It’s like living in jail† (23). Bigger and Gus have no outlet to express their individuality or emotions. Their feelings towards whites are ingrained in them. Bigger states, â€Å"[Whites live] right down here in my stomach†¦Every time I think of ‘em, I feel ‘em†¦It’s like fire†¦That’s when I feel like something awful’s going to happen to me†¦Naw; it ain’t like something going to happen to me. It’s†¦It’s like I was going to do something I can’t help† (24). This statement summarizes how the everyday black man feels about his station in life and the opportunities available to him. Additionally, it foreshadows the heinous events that will unfold later in the novel. A turning point in Wright’s story comes when Bigger is offered a job as a chauffeur for the Dalton family. Mr. Dalton is a white real estate mogul that prides himself for being a member of the NAACP. He employs young black men in an attempt to rehabilitate them. On the surface, this is an ideal opportunity for Bigger because it provides room and board and pays well enough to allow him to take care of his mother and siblings, but Wright is looking to emphasize how the trivial the actions taken by the white sympathizers do not actually address the challenges faced by the African American population. Bigger is not overwhelmed by this opportunity or impressed that the last chauffeur had gone to night school. Moreover, this job ultimately places Bigger in a situation that he cannot control, and he accidentally smothers Dalton’s daughter, Mary. Bigger realizes, â€Å"Though he had killed by accident, not once did he feel the need to tell himself that it had been an accident. He was black and he had been alone in a room where a white girl had been killed; therefore he had killed her† (101). This is the â€Å"awful† event that Bigger alluded to earlier in the story. Killing Mary elicits feelings in Bigger that he had never experienced before. Bigger acknowledges, â€Å"He was more alive than he could ever remember having been; his mind and attention were pointed, focused toward a goal† (141). Bigger embraced these feelings and continued with a scheme to make everyone believe that Mary had been kidnapped. With the assistance of his girlfriend Bessie, he plans to escape with $10,000 in ransom money. Wright uses Bigger’s emotions and his heightened sense of awareness at this point in the novel to comment on society at the time. Wright is stating that the act of murder is one of the only ways for young African American men to express themselves, to exert any independence and to get out from under the oppression of their daily life. When the authorities realize that Bigger is the killer he flees to avoid being captured, but he realizes that â€Å"all his life he had been knowing that sooner or later something like this would come to him† (207). Survival becomes paramount to Bigger, escaping the law is his only priority, and Bessie becomes a liability. While attempting to hide from the police, Bigger realizes that it will be easier to escape without traveling with Bessie. In a tense scene, Bigger first rapes Bessie, lets her fall to sleep and finally bludgeons her. His actions are methodical as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"he lifted the brick again and again, until in falling it struck a sodden mass that gave softly but stoutly to each landing blow. Soon he seemed to be striking a wet wad of cotton, of some damp substance whose only life was the jarring of the brick’s impact† (222). Ultimately this second murder is unnecessary, as Bigger is soon apprehended. Bigger is arrested and indicted for the murder of Mary Dalton, and the character that Wright chooses to defend him is a white, Jewish attorney, named Boris Max. In the novel, Max takes the time to talk to Bigger and understand the actions in his life that have influenced him. For the first time in his life, Bigger has someone interested in his thoughts and feelings, which result in Bigger beginning finding hope. Max does his best to motivate Bigger to fight to save his own life. Max pleads, â€Å"Listen Bigger, you’re facing a sea of hate now that’s no different than what you’ve faced all your life. And, because it’s that way, you’ve got to fight. If they can wipe you out, then they can wipe others out too† (320). Throughout this section of the book Bigger undergoes a transformation. By explaining his actions and feelings to Max, he finally emerges from the shell he has created around himself. Max works hard to understand the issues in Bigger’s life that culminated in his actions and the violence he exerted against Mary and Bessie, and he uses this information to form his defense. Although the crimes that Bigger committed were horrific, the reader begins to sympathize with him as he describes more about himself and his feelings to Max as the story comes to a conclusion. Wright’s goal with this novel was to evoke empathy for Bigger and to make a statement regarding the treatment of blacks at the time. Wright uses Max’s closing statement to the judge to summarize all of the points he wants the reader to contemplate. Max combines everything that he learns about Bigger and weaves it together with the plight of the blacks during the time and eloquently argues that Bigger should be sentenced to life in prison, rather than to execution. Max argues, â€Å"This man is different, even though his crime differs from similar crimes only in degree. The complex forces of society have isolated here for us a symbol, a test symbol† (354). Through Max’s monologue, the reader more clearly understands all of the factors that  have contributed to the creation of Bigger and others like him, and he pleads with the judge to understand that there are larger forces in play, other than the specific crime that Bigger committed. Unfortunately, despite Max’s valiant attempts, the â€Å"sentence of the Court is that you, Bigger Thomas, shall die on or before midnight of Friday, March third, in a manner prescribed by the laws of this state† (381). Initially, it would appear that with Bigger’s execution, Wright fails in his attempt to move people to reevaluate the racial injustice of the times, but the conclusion is actually Wright’s acknowledgement that society was not quite ready to change.

Friday, August 30, 2019

George Orwell’s vision Essay

George Orwell’s books are not conventional. They use extremely vivid and alarming descriptions to support thought-provoking subjects, and their endings are far from happy. I felt a strong sense of despair at the end of both 1984 and Animal Farm, even though I found them gripping and fascinating. George Orwell, being a socialist, was strongly opposed to totalitarian rule, and his books are clearly a warning as to how political movements can backfire. The books are influenced by events of his time, the most obvious being the Russian Revolution symbolised by Animal Farm. There are hardly any lasting aspects in either 1984 or Animal Farm that are pleasant; the themes of both books are worrying. I think that one of the worst aspects of George Orwell’s vision is the systematic perversion of our feelings, emotions and instincts. In my opinion, the worst action of ‘The Party,’ the ruling political power in 1984 is the way it frowns upon love, a natural human instinct, and tries to completely suppress it. This is a cold, tyrannical act that destroys such a pure, selfless instinct. Love brings joy that – as Winston Smith, the main character in 1984, experiences – makes life worth living. Without love, Oceania’s inhabitants are reduced to a pointless, miserable, isolated existence. I think the most depressing event in the story of Winston Smith is how the Party crushed his love for Julia so completely, accentuated by the powerful unconditional nature of their love for each other before. Consequently, the Party, and its figurehead, ‘Big Brother,’ condemn sexual intercourse with fierce and active distaste, evident in the formation of ‘The Junior Anti-Sex League. ‘ Sex, the most intimate, loving act two people can share is seen as a threat to the Party’s power, and is only acceptable in absolutely necessary circumstances – to create a child – and is devoid of all sentiment. Because it is detested by the Party, making love becomes an act of political rebellion, which destroys the fact that it should be an expression of love. One of the nastiest yet most haunting descriptions in 1984 is Winston’s recollection of his visit to a prostitute in an attempt to satisfy his sexual instinct. His visit is ‘brief’ and ‘coarse’ and he admits that ‘it was really the paint that appealed to me,’ not any real desire to be intimate with the woman. In 1984, love within families is corrupted, as children spy against their parents and report them for the slightest incident. Family values – essential to nurturing a child with care – are destroyed; even when Winston’s acquaintance, Parsons, is betrayed by his own daughter, he ‘doesn’t bear her any grudge. ‘ In Orwell’s dystopia, love plays no part, except in utter submission to Big Brother, and it is the concept of existing in a life so absent of love and affection that disturbs me. If I had to exist without love, I believe I would lose my will to live. Another instinct, essential to harmonious, happy human life is that of trust. Again, the Party endeavour to totally control and pervert this instinct. Trust is the exact opposite to fear so cannot be practised when fear presides. Fear seeps into every aspect of life in 1984: fear of betrayal to the thought police; fear of what could happen to you if you committed a ‘crime’ and were caught; fear of your own thoughts wandering. Living in such a fragile community, where everyone is scared into solitude, and having children spy on people, corrupts the general principles of loyalty and human decency to such a level at which I would no longer want to associate with such people. Children, the embodiment of innocence and dependence, being routinely perverted, taken advantage of and coaxed into turning against their own providers, their parents, is a concept I find abhorrent. The manipulation of innocent and defenceless children is immoral, disgusting and disturbing. In 1984, the only trust allowed to exist between two parties is that of the individual for Big Brother. With a horrific act of total submission and resignation, people blindly accept all Big Brother tells them, completely disregarding information from their own senses, whilst subconsciously being aware that what Big Brother tells them is untrue. If I had to exist in Oceania, I would find that aspect the hardest to accept, as I feel a reassurance in knowing I can believe and trust whatever my senses tell me. With that knowledge removed, I’d be lost, confused and scared, as I would have lost my grip on reality – which keeps humans sane. As Winston thinks, ‘if the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event that it never happened- that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture or death’. In Animal Farm, another frighteningly harsh story by George Orwell, perversion of trust is also a prominent theme. Just like the citizens of 1984’s Oceania, the farm animals are too trusting for their own good. I grew sadder and more anxious each time the animals ‘believed every word’ of what their selfish leaders – the pigs – told them. To me, it is very poignant the way the animals are so unsuspicious and grateful towards the pigs, who repeatedly use them. The most trusting and devoted animal on the farm was the old carthorse, Boxer. Boxer trusted the pig leader – Napoleon – to such an extent he created the slogan ‘Napoleon is always right! ‘ In total disregard of this trust bestowed upon him, Napoleon sent the horse to the slaughterhouse. I was shocked when, at the end, the animals simply accepted the pigs’ superiority and power. What distresses me most is the despicable way in which the pigs take advantage of the innocent animals, who have blind faith in them. I am even more upset knowing Animal Farm is based on genuine events: the sheer trust the proletariat had in Stalin, after the Russian Revolution, which Stalin twisted to benefit himself. The civilization of 1984 is ‘founded upon hatred,’ an unnatural human emotion. O’Brien tells us Oceania is progressing towards a state where ‘there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. ‘ I find this devastatingly selfish and cruel, as it terminally oppresses the sole desire of mankind: to be happy and enjoy the process of life. The most dehumanising and evil event in the lives of the citizens of Oceania is ‘Hate Week,’ It is not only the atmosphere of contagious compulsive contempt which enables ‘Hate Week’ that disturbs me; it is the way in which hate, the most hostile and dangerous feeling, can be generated on such a large scale with absolutely no reason. In the middle of ‘Hate Week,’ the enemy changes, but the proceedings continue without the blink of an eye. It scares and disgusts me that Orwell can see such a strong emotion directed at a target, regardless of why the target is hated. Winston realises that ‘the fear, the hatred and the lunatic credulity which the Party needs in its members can only be kept at the right pitch by bottling down some powerful instinct and using it as a driving force. ‘ The Party has twisted and corrupted natural instincts to benefit themselves. In my opinion, the manipulation of human emotions, instincts and feelings is the most dishonest, corrupt way of gaining power. It is chilling to imagine the uncompromising, omnipresent, omnipotent power that would be required to enable such an atrocity. I would find it so hard never to be able to feel and love, and I would see no point in existing if I could not. Without our feelings we are no more than machines. The mere contemplation of having to exist without joyful emotions fills me with despair. I would truly prefer to die than to live intoxicated with misery and depression, without hope for a better life. I share Winston’s sense of helplessness and injustice when O’Brien tells him ‘If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. ‘

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Health Law and Regulations Essay

Health care is high on the list of the most regulated entities. Regulated by the government, the health care sector is also regulated by different private bodies. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) together with the National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) and different medical specialties form part of the private health care regulatory entities that collaborate with the government. Health care regulation is focused on three main roles; cost control, quality control, and access expansion and control. These three functions are subdivided into objectives covering each aspect pertaining to the health care area. While the regulatory program exists to accomplish the three above-mentioned objectives, the implementation of each objective affects one another. Example, quality control causes a reduction of access, and increases the cost because of an increase in demand. Despite the interdependence of these objectives, health care regulation does not indulge competition amongst the regulatory bodies. Important in the regulatory industry are those who engage each other with the same goal towards improving the health care. A majority of the health care regulatory federal agencies in America are comprised within the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The American constitution directs all health care regulators to obey the set legal process as their activities contain the potential to limit or breach the rights of health care. Health care is a high level of bureaucracy and extensive legal procedures. Regulators are provided a notice for their proposed regulation with findings to support it, after which the sector under regulation is allowed to contest or appeal the proposal. The legal process is appealed in every health care procedure, whether if it’s to test a new drug, suspend a practitioner’s license, or a regulation on  environmental standards. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health care regulation signed into law on the 23rd of March, 2010. The law’s main focus had been to increase the affordability and quality of American health insurance. Its policies were focused on lowering the rates imposed on the uninsured through the expansion of both the private and public insurance covers. It had also aimed to reduce the health care costs incurred by the government along with citizens. Barely seven days after its enforcement had a new health care law come into effect with amendments to the ACA. On March 30, 2010, the president of the United States signed into law the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The law had been enacted by the 111th US congress (Blackman, 2013). The ACA has advantages as disadvantages, and has been at the forefront of political criticism since its enactment. Its strongest opponents have cited it to be punitive of the high-end earners to cushion the middle and lower classes. It has also been reported to weigh heavily on the nation’s wage bill. In a nutshell, the ACA is designed to cover the majority of American’s health care insurance. However, the regulation’s cost factor has proven unsustainable without economically hurting the high earning entities. The effect of ACA’s implementation has caused an overall negative economic realignment as various entities strive to remain afloat; working hours have been significantly downsized by various corporations in anticipation of unsustainable insurance compliance. The ACA regulation is seen as an economically crippling element in America’s overall economic composite. The enormous tax burden shouldered by high earning entities is evidenced to trickle down to the middle and low income earners which resultantly deduces the benefits intended for these groups in an even more severe way. To begin with, although the ACA provides affordable or free health care insurance to tens of millions of American populations, funding is raised through taxes. With a hike in taxes for health care funding, earning populations are left with less to spend. The American middle and low income groups are even more affected by the adverse effects as inflation sets in to recover the growing deficit induced by the regulation’s implementation. The ACA had been endorsed as an affordability initiative but the repercussive costs have indicated the regulation as a costly affair across the board. Insurance players report certain clauses in the regulation as detrimental to the process. An example is the regulations directive for insurance to extend their coverage even to sick uninsured people at no extra cost. The resultant effect has been the rise in insurance premium costs which further complicates the insurer’s role in the initiative. Nearly all the beneficial aspects within the regulation are countered with contradictory challenges that undermine its purpose. While Medicaid is expanded by the regulation to cover an estimate 15.9 million citizens below 138% of the property level, the cost is met by state and federal funding which further imposes an immense measure of tax escalation. The regulation however features more benefits than limitations with regard to women initiatives. The ACA grants up to 47 million women access to health care services comprising wellness and preventative care. Additionally, the law prohibits women paying more than men for health care services as had been the case prior to enactment (Blackman, 2013). The ACA regulation started 157 new agencies, boards and programs to oversee the efficient implementation of the law alongside regulating health care spending. Although there are negative cost implications associated with the huge oversight entities provisioned in the regulation, proponents argue these costs to be necessary in controlling the unaccounted health care expenditure (Blackman, 2013). Employment in America is currently readjusting to comply with the regulation’s 2015 implementation phase requiring all employers to provide an insurance cover on their employees. The resultant effect to this change has been two faced; small business have been employing part time employees full time to comply with the 2015 mandate while large businesses have been reducing part time working hours to avoid paying the employees insurance when the phase is implemented. The ACA is illustrated as a complex employment factor with many jobs feared to be lost as many new ones are created. Notably, the regulation projects an  outcome where employees will freely leave their respective jobs without fear for losing retirement benefits affiliated to health care. Accordingly, the regulation aims to decrease employees working hours while maintaining and creating new employment opportunities. Despite the employment benefits highlighted within the ACA, many citizens remain skeptical of the upcoming 2015 employer-insurance phase. Dissenting political sentiments are pitching the impending reforms as a negative aspect of the ACA enactment set to diminish numerous job opportunities. Federal and private health care regulation remains as an important component in the broader sense of the health industry covering every single aspect entailed in human health. The quality, cost and access control objectives are characteristic to every health related industry. With regard to personal experience, I have on several occasions observed medical licenses revoked for certain practitioners following a legal process to dispute the quality displayed by the practitioners in context. The two mentioned above 2010 health care regulations contain a complex and mostly long term agenda aimed at bettering the quality of health care services in America. The current challenges are largely short-term and should not be invoked to undermine long-term benefits. A healthy debate is however essential to ensure minimized negations throughout the implementation process. References Top of Form Blackman, J. (2013). Unprecedented: The constitutional challenge to Obamacare. Bottom of Form

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Study of Post Acquisition Staff Retention within Business Dissertation

Study of Post Acquisition Staff Retention within Business Organisations - Dissertation Example The analyzed quantitative studies show that Kraft did not have some knowledge practices of staff retention after taking over Cadbury, which could enable it to retain some of the most skillful and knowledgeable staff. The study recommended the adoption of a knowledge retention framework to be embedded in the Kraft’s knowledge management policy. INTRODUCTION Staff retention is the process that ensures that employees are retained or kept within a company (Kearney, 2010). This happens particularly to employees who have needed or valued skills or experience in a critical/scarce field where recruitment is quite difficult. Staff retention stems from the process of employment (Batellan, &Van Essen, 2010). It also occurs in mergers and acquisitions (Bourantas, & Nicandrous, 2012). Post-acquisition and merging, like employment are an important process, which should receive sufficient and careful attention to ensure it realizes its goal. After two or more companies merge, strategies empl oyed to ensure staff of the associated companies are retained determines  the successful operation of the merged company (Bourantas, & Nicandrous, 2012). This means that the recruitment, placement, replacements, and selection processes play a crucial role in predetermining the effectiveness of the retention strategy of the companies involved. According to Bower (2013) for such companies to succeed in staff retention, their retention strategy should be linked positively to the practices and processes of selection, placement, recruitment, development, remuneration, training, and performance appraisal. Retaining knowledge is often the prime goal for many organization that decide to merge (Hambrick, & Cannella, 2011). Studies indicate that knowledge, and skill retention is the prime reason why most organization opt to retain staff. Knowledge is identified as a resource that is strategic in providing competitive organizations advantage (Capron, 2010). Even though organizations have ide ntified the knowledge value, few of them have started to manage the efficiency of knowledge effectively (Capron, 2010). The management of knowledge for the creation of value is still a concern of any management. Even though different organization’s operations like finance, marketing, supply chain or sales, are appropriately mastered, the effective management roadmaps of knowledge is still under investigation. Managing knowledgeable, and skilled employees has increasingly become the key challenge for most organizations (Mitchell, Capron, & Dussuage, 2012). According to Samuel and Chipunza (2011) retaining high performing employees is a challenge to many organizations because these employees who are high skilled frequently shift jobs to seek for attractive jobs. The management of knowledge includes the identification of knowledge, development, sharing, acquisition, utilization, retention, and distribution (Montgometry. & Collis, 2010). Generally, employee turnover has become a major area of research from both practical, and theoretical stand point. From the theoretical stand point, understanding key causes of turnover may not only provide an overview of where specific turnover problems for the retailers lies, but also from the theoretical perspective, understanding the fundamental causes of turnover can provide an overview as to how to control this growing problem and identify where a retailers specific turnover

Antitrust Practices and Market Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Antitrust Practices and Market Power - Essay Example Standard oil firm counts among one of the firms that was investigated on the antitrust act. The firm has an oligopoly structure dominated by small number of sellers. The main reason that seeked to investigate the firm was to establish whether it posed a barrier for other companies’ entry into the market. With the expansion of oil across the globe, the oil factories were involved in poor disposal of waste products into the water system and adoption of poor methods of oil distribution. For instance, it was observed that oil could be passed through leaked pipes which posed a great danger to the society. The establishment of the oil company firm was to see an improvement in the field of oil and refinery. As a natural monopoly company, it developed proper infrastructure within the American region which could see proper distribution and proper disposal of oil without causing any damage to the environment. This saw it rise above other companies in a quest to benefit the economy (Utto n, 2003). In the case of the oil company, the court adopted Sherman Antitrust act so as to regulate the monopoly. This act was coined by John Sherman viewed to be an appropriate for prevention of abusive monopolies from exploiting the consumers. The standard oil firm was estimated to be in control of about 90 percent of oil facilities in America. The oil firm faces imperfect competition as a result of existence in low number of people as prospective sellers. Through government monopoly, power was vested in the American Congress to regulate the economy through tax collection. The main provision of this act was that any person responsible for monopolizing will be held guilty and so be subjected to punishment. The year 1911, the Supreme Court in America established that standard oil company was structural monopoly that was responsible for taking part in unfair practices in the field of business (Utton, 2003). Monopolies are believed to have originated during the colonial period of admi nistration. This case saw huge companies and firms in the United States endowed with the responsibility of receiving huge contracts deals. Monopolies can be seen in form of capitalism characterized by lack of competition; this eventually leads to high fluctuation of products prices and poor quality products. For instance, monopoly is known to supply at a very low output and charging higher prices for its products which may eventually lead to a dead weight loss in the society. In this regard, it will seek to maximize its economic profits and take control of the market demand curve. Monopolies are also at a very better place of enjoying the economies of scale which comes as a result of production of goods in large quantities. In this essence, there are tendencies to be a decline in cost of production resulting to increase in monopolies profits. It has been cited that the loss in economic welfare that arises from exploitation of monopoly power has made the government to take upon some measures in order to regulate some monopolies (Wall et al 1988). In other cases some firms that practiced monopoly were able to rise to power since they had positive effect on the economy of the American government. It was estimated that some of the profits gained through monopolists were used to conduct a research viewed to be beneficial to the society. Through research, consumers were able to learn more about the products that were being sold in the monopoly market and the benefits

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Supply HW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Supply HW - Essay Example It offers access to many regions and nations of the world; this fact alone can be a very attractive feature from the point of view of logistics companies. Even the forecasted economic growth is creating an increased utility for logistics services in the region. This is a very encouraging point for the logistics companies, which have to muster a substantial amount of capital outlay when initiating their operations in Dubai. However, the current space constraint of the Dubai International Airport is proving to be a very costly constraint for the logistics companies and freight forwarders. Both these parties require more space in order to expand the horizon of their operations, but since the airport has literally come into the city, there is no scope for expansion there. However, as mentioned earlier, the royal family never fears a huge capital outlay when devising expensive projects; therefore, the royal family has decided to sponsor the construction of a Dubai Logistics City. This cit y will be located near Jebel Ali port and will be complemented with a Jebel Ali airport. These initiatives will allow logistics service providers to transform into tri-modal service providers, thus increasing their profitability substantially (Mangan, Lalwani, and Butcher 303-315). Part 1: Case Analysis Analysis of Relevant Issues: Emirate Dubai is home to a population of 1.2 million people. The city can be classified as a cosmopolitan, since it provides shelters to people from multilingual backgrounds, different cultural backgrounds, different countries, and different regions of the world. Dubai is the 2nd largest and wealthiest of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates. The city provides a linking ground between the West soil, Persian soil, and Asia soil. Trade in the region increased in the 2nd half of the centaury. The fundamental reason behind this change was the building up of a sea port and numerous tax concessions offered by the monarch of the land. When oil was disc overed in the city, trade and exports of the city saw a drastic increase. However, the royal family of the land was clear that it would end this dependency of the economy on oil export and would create alternate avenues for revenue generation. It was due to this that the city started making progress in its infrastructure development and sites that could attract tourists. The initiatives taken by the rulers led to an increase in the internationality of the city. This was augmented by the easy living atmosphere offered by the city. Western foreigners also found a land were they could spend quality time. This easy going atmosphere was germinated due to the liberal religious attitude of the rulers and due to the English language being the most preferred language of the city (Mangan, Lalwani, and Butcher 303-315). Such favorable characteristics of Dubai made it a regional trade hub; it serves around 2 billion customers worldwide. Businesses interested in starting operations in this city should not fear the law and order situation in the country, political climate of the city, and external relationship of the city. The city has been deemed as the Switzerland of the Arab world because of it neutrality towards international events and incidents. A business

Monday, August 26, 2019

Research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research design - Essay Example The essay also examines the fundamental principles of each feature and the significance of their contribution to the results of the study. Finally, I have discussed the limitations of the RCT as used in this study and concluded by reinstating that the RCT carried in this study had a significant level of accuracy and success. Randomized Control Trial (RCT) is one of the most rigorous ways of determining whether the mode of treatment chosen and the outcome of the treatment have a cause-effect relationship. This is done by looking at the cost-effectiveness of a regime of treatment chosen. Randomization during RCT entails two procedures whereby the first step is choosing the randomization procedure that will help in coming up with an allocation that cannot be predicted. Thereafter, the allocations shall be concealed to ensure that the assignment of patients is not revealed before they are allocated to their respective groups. The allocation is not determined by the study participants or investigators. The aim of random allocation of participants is to ensure that the attributes of the participants are as similar as possible across sets at the beginning of the comparison. Proper randomization reduces the threat of a severe disparity in known and unknown factors that could affect the participants. Blinding in RCTs also known as masking is done to minimize bias. In a single blinded study, the subjects are uninformed of which group they have been assigned to, but the researchers recognize whether they have been assigned to control or treatment group. In a double blind study, both the subjects and the researchers know the groups that the subjects have been allocated to. A double blind study is regarded as being more rigorous than the single blinded study. However the readers must always consider if a study does not blind the subjects

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Current event speech about hospitality law Essay - 1

Current event speech about hospitality law - Essay Example As an enterprise in the hospitality industry, the ADA requires all the participants to provide these services to ensure fair and non-discrimination against the disabled (Gibbons n.p.). The discriminatory lawsuit falls under the Americans with Disability Act that requires all public premises to have designated parking for the disabled. In addition, this parking should be properly labelled to preserve it strictly for the target individuals. In addition, there should be a continuous path constructed to facilitate movement of the disabled. Furthermore, the hotel must have a lift and a Jacuzzi as well as other facilities that ease movement and enhance comfort for the physically handicapped (Gibbons n.p.). Therefore, the failure to provide these amenities, and meet the constitutional demands constitute to violation of the ADA compelling the plaintiff to take legal action against the hotels. Gibbons, Timothy. â€Å"Two Dozen Jacksonville Area Hotels Hit with Disability-discrimination Lawsuits - Jacksonville Business Journal." Widgets RSS. Ed. American City Business Journals, 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 May 2015.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Process of Heating the Water Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process of Heating the Water - Assignment Example The heater design is made on certain assumptions being – (1) steady state rate of heat transfer (or that heat transfer rate is constant with time); (2) the cylindrical structure allows thermal symmetry so that the transfer of heat occurs merely on one dimension and varies not along the axial direction; (3) the metallic composition of the water tank (having thin metal sheet of stainless steel) on the inside possesses negligible thermal resistance; (4) thermal conductivities are uniform throughout the heating process; and that (5) very negligible heat losses take place on surfaces at the top and at the bottom.Among the available insulating materials in the market, the ‘foam’ is chosen for its affordability and low cost of installation. Compared to the other prospected insulators, its thermal conductivity appears to have given the most reasonable values for the length and surface area of the heater via R-equation, while others came out with lengths that converge to t he value of the corresponding outer radius which is not likely in the actual. During the process of heating the water, every 500-W increment is dissipated through the insulated tank wall so the increase of power input ought to be compensated with the addition of foam with relative thickness so as to prevent unnecessary heat loss until the water has achieved the desired temperature at 65Â °C. Stainless steel is preferred to carbon steel or some other steel alloys due to the fact that it potentially resists corrosion over considerable time period.

Friday, August 23, 2019

An event that involving an ASL experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An event that involving an ASL experience - Essay Example We noticed 4 to 5 other people who were also signing in for different presentations which were also offering ASL interpretation services. We proceeded to the counter where we found a lady doing the registration of the people who had come to attend the various presentations. We made ourselves known to her and also informed her that we had emailed a lady by the name Deanna earlier to inform her about our attendance of a presentation that was also offering ASL interpretation services (Sternberg 12). Amazingly, it so happened that the lady we were talking with was the same lady we had emailed. Deanne informed us that there was an organic beauty product presentation that was going on in theatre B and she directed us to the place using ASL since the venue of the whole event was fairly large and there were a number of activities going on simultaneously. Initially as she was directing us she was too fast and we had a problem following up but luckily another user of ASL noticed that we were not keeping pace with Deanne and asked her to slow down. It is then that she realized she was a little bit too fast for us and apologized that she forgot we were ASL students. She continued to direct us slowly and we understood what she said. We afterwards headed to theatre B as we had been directed and found that the presentation had just begun. We noticed 2 interpreters and about 4 to 5 deaf people who attended the same presentation. I found myself learning a lot of vocabularies some of which are, strawberry, beauty products, brown sugar, white vinegar, coconut, melt, plastic, body lotion, sun burn and so on. I also realized interestingly that I understood the translation with ease and that I was able to follow questions that were raised by the deaf people (Sternberg 71). The communication was very clear to me. Another interesting experience was that my 2 classmates and I decided that we shall not communicate in English but we shall use ASL from the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Assessment Methods Essay Example for Free

Assessment Methods Essay Diagnostic assessment is a pre assessment that determines a difficulty for the student in a precise area. This type of assessment provides teachers with information of the student’s previous awareness of the topic, their interest and attitude before instructing a lesson (McMillan 2011, p 6). Diagnostic assessment information can be collected from Summative assessments of the previous lesson. It is important to note the expectation of what the students should know, understand and be able to do at the end of the lesson as this is an integral part of an effective lesson (McMillan 2011, p 8). Formative assessment occurs during instructions, giving feedback to students on their work to assess their level and determine the next level of work activities (McMillan 2011, p 6). This type of assessment takes place during learning and helps to improve the lesson as the learning is monitored and the progress of the student is noted (McMillan 2011, p 8). The student has the opportunity to improve learning during the lesson through the feedback and send them in the right direction of learning. Learning problems are able to be distinguished during the lesson and actioned accordingly, and instructional adjustments can be made (McMillan 2011, p 8). Summative assessment takes place at the completion of the lesson to determine the student’s level of understanding, their knowledge and can physically do (McMillan 2011, p 6). This is the aim of the lesson to decide if the teaching has been positive and that the students have achieved at the anticipated level of learning. Students are graded, teachers and lessons are evaluated to assess the effectiveness of the plan (McMillan 2011, p 8). The three assessment types that form the assessment cycle are an integral part of a primary classroom learning structure. Students with learning disabilities need to be assessed in the early stages of their learning to determine the techniques of tailored learning to be applied. Using Diagnostic assessment â€Å"effective teachers were found to have tailored instruction to students’ unique needs and interests, finding just the right materials to reach their students† Robinson, G. (2008). Teaching numeracy skills a Formative assessment is then used to improve learning throughout the lesson. A summative assessment is then required to determine the student’s numeracy capabilities. Assessment is an important part of the education curriculum, to enable an effective learning environment for the students. It also allows the teacher to ensure the lesson is tailored to the students learning disabilities and there needs to achieve the learning result desired. References McMillan, J. H. (2011).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Alcohol and Advertising Essay Example for Free

Alcohol and Advertising Essay â€Å"Alcohol is not often thought of as a drug largely because its use is common for both religious and social purposes in most parts of the world. It is a drug, however, and compulsive drinking in excess has become one of modern society’s most serious problems† (ARF). This is so true because many people don’t consider alcohol a drug but the effects it has on you are so serious that it should be. â€Å"The effects of drinking do not depend on the type of alcoholic beverage but rather on the amount of alcohol consumed on a specific occasion† (ARF). To give you a background on alcohol, here is a quick refresher on how it works and the effects it has on your body. â€Å"Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine, and less rapidly from the stomach and colon. The drinker’s blood alcohol concentration depends on the amount consumed in a given time, the drinker’s size, sex, body build, and metabolism, and the type and amount of food in the stomach† (ARF). The effects of alcohol are very frightening to even consider. They depend on â€Å"the amount taken at one time, the user’s past drug experience, the manner in which the drug is taken and the circumstances under which the drug is taken† (ARF). At 50mg you experience mild intoxication which includes a â€Å"feeling of warmth, skin flushed; impaired judgment and decreased inhibitions† (ARF). From there you can go all the way down to 500mg which will more than likely cause death. It is an extremely scary thought to know that a substance that can cause death is freely advertised on television so that even our children can see it. In fact, they are the targets of some manufacturers marketing. In this paper we will show you both sides of whether alcohol companies should be allowed to advertise on television or not and then give you our conclusion. No Alcohol Advertising Should Not Be Allowed On Television Alcohol companies should not be allowed to advertise on television. In today’s society, more and more children are spending all of their free time in front of a television. They don’t go outside and play anymore, they just come home from school and flip on Jerry Springer or a soap opera. Adults need to take the responsibility to protect children from undue influences as much as they can. Banning alcohol advertisements would be a simple way to help this process. In a recent study done by the Center for Media Education (CME), they found that many alcohol companies actually target youth even though it is illegal for them to drink. Companies use such things as â€Å"cartoons, personalities, language, music, or branded merchandise popular in youth culture or which would be particularly attractive to college or high-school-aged students† (CME). This shows a blatant attempt on their part to recruit new consumers who are underage. There have been previous attempts to stop alcohol companies from targeting youth such as the Voluntary Alcohol Advertising Standards for Children Act, but that is just the thing, it is voluntary. This is a try at making themselves look responsible but they still really aren’t. This Act pressures broadcasters to simply not run alcohol advertisements. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the broadcasters to filter what goes on the air. Alcohol companies should not waste their money making these ads to begin with. Instead, they need to target a more mature audience who have the right to consume their products. The beer and liquor companies claim they don’t target youth but how can that be when you see the â€Å"Budweiser frogs or the Coors’ â€Å"Tap the Rockies† campaigns or Seagram’s dogs and Hiram Walker’s Kahlua Mudslide† (Hacker). Many of these companies have, in the past, even advertised on the youth-oriented MTV. Anheuser-Busch just recently pulled their ads off MTV. â€Å"Why did it take 10 years since â€Å"age-21† became the law of the land for the world’s largest brewer to stop competing for attention on MTV with ads for pimple control products and sports equipment† (Hacker)? â€Å"Indeed the evidence is that even young children are aware of alcohol advertisements and tend to remember them. Manufacturers further reduce the chances of young people failing to get the message by sponsorship of sports teams and events and music concerts having particular appeal to the young† (IAS). â€Å"Today, kids are bombarded by more than $700 million in beer, wine, and liquor ads on radio and television. Those ads encourage them to drink, and they bolster unacceptable levels of alcohol consumption among young people and the problems that go with it† (Hacker). When considering the Budweiser frogs, â€Å"a recent study by the San Francisco-based Center on Alcohol Advertising tested commercial and character recall among 9-11 year olds. The results: the children demonstrated higher recall (73%) of the Budweiser frogs’ slogan than of the slogans associated with other television animal characters, including Tony the Tiger (57%), Smokey the Bear (43%), and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (39%). Only Bugs Bunny did slightly better, at 80% recall of â€Å"Eh, what’s up doc? † Overall, 81% of the children surveyed identified beer as the product promoted by the frogs† (Hacker). This is a scary revelation, that our children know more about beer ads than the cartoon characters who promote good products. There are too many people who are hurting themselves and others as a result of alcohol abuse. In the past, there have been studies done that find there is nothing wrong with alcohol companies advertising on TV, but a study done by the Marin Institute found differently. â€Å"’Until now, most of the studies done on the subject conclude that alcohol advertising doesn’t affect drinking behavior,’ says Henry Saffer, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, ‘The alcohol industry uses these studies to bolster its argument that advertising only induces people to switch brands. These studies keep coming and find nothing because they set themselves up to find nothing’† (Abramson). â€Å"The NIAAA estimates that 14 million Americans meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence and about 100,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related injuries, one-fourth of them on the highways† (Abramson). Granted that these are not just children but they had to start somewhere too and more than likely they began drinking at a young age. One way to help reduce these injuries and deaths is to create counter-ads. â€Å"Consumption decreases as the level of counter-advertising rises. Counter-advertising could be funded by taxing alcohol advertising† (Abramson). The study done by Saffer at the Marin Institute was a long one, it took three years to complete. â€Å"’Most researchers have little money and use inexpensive or free data on alcohol advertising expenditures that measure advertising at the national level with little annual change’, says Saffer. ‘I was able to obtain quarterly data that cost more than $25,000 from 75 cities, and that made all the difference’† (Abramson). With all of his resources he was able to come to some concrete results using a proven theory. â€Å"Saffer used a theory known as the advertising response function, which says that consumption rises as advertising increases, bus as advertising reaches the point of saturation, consumption tapers off. To measure consumption, he used highway fatalities, more than 40 percent of which involve alcohol consumption† (Abramson). â€Å"Saffer’s statistical analyses of advertising expenditures showed that decreasing alcohol advertising reduces highway fatalities† (Abramson). Another survey done by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation gave remarkable results. â€Å"An overwhelming majority of Americans say they are worried about teen drinking and would support tough measures to help curb the problem† (New and Views). One particular finding was very interesting in that it said sixty-seven percent of Americans would support a ban on television advertising on liquor. If so many people want it, why isn’t on its way to becoming a law? â€Å"There are about 9 million drinkers under age 21 in the United States and half of them are binge drinkers. When they drink, teens increase their risk of violence, date rape, sexually transmitted diseases and injury or death in traffic accidents† (Health You). These kids had to learn it somewhere. Television is becoming a way of life for many teenagers and they take what is on it as the truth. For many of them, discerning between what is the truth and what is just great advertising becomes near impossible. They need help and it is our responsibility as adults to help them. There is legislation now from Representative Kennedy called the â€Å"Children’s Protection from Alcohol Advertising Act†. This â€Å"would eliminate advertising and marketing practices that have the most impact on young people. Remaining ads would, for the first time, honestly reflect that alcohol is the number-three killer in America today, taking a toll of 100,000 lives yearly. Those ads would bear a rotating series of health and safety messages, reminding all viewers and listeners of some of the major risks related to drinking. In addition, alcoholic-beverage product labels, for the first time, would be required to reveal comprehensive, useful consumer information, such as ingredients, calories, and alcohol content, expressed in unit serving terms† (Hacker). The bill would answer the concerns of many parents and adults who feel the alcohol companies go too far in targeting youths. Alcohol companies need to be more responsible for who they target and they should also be prepared to handle the consequences of their actions as more and more people die as a result of their products. They are the ones that should be held accountable for the deaths of so many innocent people. They also should include in their advertisements the real facts. Doing this may deter people from becoming alcohol abusers. The companies do not do this though, â€Å"By definition, alcohol advertising is one-sided, avoiding any reference to the negative aspects of alcohol consumption† (IAS). They need to tell the truth and the truth is that alcohol does no good for anyone, it only hurts and destroys people and the people around them. Yes Alcohol Advertising Should Be Allowed On Television â€Å"Advertising increases alcohol consumption, which increases alcohol abuse†¦right? WRONG. There is no solid evidence from either scientific research or practical experience that this theory of advertising is correct† (Advertising Impact). Alcohol is a legal substance so why wouldn’t it be allowed to be advertised on television? The First Amendment to the Constitution gives us the right to free speech. The American Advertising Federation opposes any effort to restrict truthful advertising about any product or service. â€Å"The U. S. Supreme Court has affirmed that truthful commercial speech enjoys the free speech protections of the First Amendment – including speech about so-called sin products. The government’s right to ban a product does not give it the right to ban speech about the product† (AAF). The AAF does not want restrictions to even begin, â€Å"bans on advertising for one product or service inevitably will lead to bans on advertising for others. Censorship is contagious† (AAF). There are some that believe that the advertising would be okay if they would agree to put warnings on the advertisements. â€Å"The alcohol industry believes that the proposed requirement of warnings in alcohol advertisements is an infringement of their First Amendment rights† (Kelly). The advertising the alcohol industry does do is simply to keep the customers they already have. â€Å"The focus of alcohol advertising is to encourage existing drinkers to maintain their brand preference, or to switch brands, and that it is not intended to attract new customers† (Kelly). â€Å"Much of the debate concerns the possible effects on children and young people. The Advertising Codes prohibit the specific targeting of minors† (IAS). Most children who watch television may like the cartoon characters but that isn’t going to make them go out and demand alcohol. They shouldn’t be allowed or able to obtain it so it shouldn’t really even matter if they see the advertisements for it. â€Å"The evidence also suggests that advertising is of less importance than other influences such as parental attitudes and example and peer group pressure† (IAS). Final Conclusions As you can see from our research, there is solid evidence that advertising alcohol on television needs to stop the way it is being done right now. There are entirely too many targets put onto young viewers. The industry may claim that it is not targeting them but there is really no explanation otherwise. Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has come up with an exceptional set of rules for advertising alcohol on television. 1. Beverage alcohol advertising should not: a. portray or encourage drinking by individuals under the age of 21; b. use celebrities, music stars, athletes, animals, cartoon characters or other language or images that have special appeal to youth; c. depict sports, rock concerts, or other events with strong appeal to youth; or d. target spring break activities or cultural, sporting, or marketing events where it can be anticipated that a majority of the audience will be made up of people under age 21. 2. Beverage alcohol advertising should not include the licensing of youth-oriented clothing or toys that feature alcohol brand names, logos, or trade characters. 2. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray or encourage drinking by pregnant women or women who are seeking to become pregnant. 3. Beverage alcohol advertising should not model, suggest, or otherwise encourage heavy consumption. 4. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray or encourage drinking by alcoholics or other groups particularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse. 5. Beverage alcohol advertising should not state or imply that any level of alcohol consumption is risk-free or safe. 6. Beverage alcohol advertising should not associate alcohol consumption with high-risk activities or with situations that require alertness. 7. Beverage alcohol advertising should not depict revelry or hint at the possibility of inebriation. 8. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray drinking as a means to achieve popularity or social acceptance, sexual appeal, or social or financial status. 9. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray drinking in association with sexual passion, promiscuity, or any other amorous activity as a consequence of or in association with alcohol consumption. These rules would be wonderful if the alcohol companies would follow them. But, with the First Amendment backing them up, they are not going to change the way they market without a fight. The cartoons are working for them, so why should they change? There is a growing problem in this country with underage and binge drinking and these advertisements are only adding to the problem. We need to stop the problem at its root, which would mean taking the Budweiser frogs off the air. This is a great step toward reducing alcohol related deaths and injuries and it isn’t like the industry would be losing any money. They may even retain more profit because their advertising expense would be dramatically cut. We need to regulate these advertisements now! Bibliography American Advertising Federation (AAF). â€Å"AAF Position Statement: Alcohol Advertising Bans†. Available: http://www. aaf. org/bans. html Abramson, Hillary. The Marin Institute. â€Å"Alcohol Ads Increase Drinking†. Available: http://www. marininstitute. org/saffer. html Addiction Research Foundation (ARF). â€Å"Facts about Alcohol†. Available: http://www. arf. org/isd/pim/alcohol. html â€Å"Advertising Impact on Alcohol Abuse†. Available: wysiwig://9/http://www2. potsdam. ed†¦-info/Advertising/Advertising. html Center for Media Education (CME). â€Å"Alcohol Advertising Targeted at Youth on the Internet: An Update†. Available: http://tap. epn. org/cme/981218/alcrep. html Hacker, George. Center for Science in the Public Interest. Available: http://www. cspinet. org/booze/hacker. html Hacker, George. Press Conference on Alcohol Advertising Reforms. May 16, 1997. Available: http://www. cspinet. org/booze/516state. html Health You. May/June 1998. â€Å"Proms, Parents and Alcohol†. Available: http://www. lvhhn. org/healthy_you/magazine/proms_alcohol/ IAS. Available: http://www. ias. org. uk/factsheets/advertising. htm Kelly, Kathleen and Ruth Edwards. â€Å"Image Advertisements for Alcohol Products: Is There Appeal Associated with Adolescents’ Intention to Consume Alcohol? † Adolescence. Spring 1998. V33 n129 p47(13).

Exploring Of The Gospel Of John Religion Essay

Exploring Of The Gospel Of John Religion Essay The Gospel of John is unique among the synoptic gospels for its outstanding style of presentation of Jesus Christ. The prologue (John 1:1-18) upholds the guidance for the rest of the Johannine gospel. The author uses imagery to illustrate the themes in his work, he used the elements of creation to symbolise the divine existence of God. Light that shine out of darkness by the word of God in the beginning (Gen 1), and the word that is both light and life revealed the truth of the invisible divine nature of God. The prologue is presented in a poetic form, it also summarizes the detail of the Word which was with God in the very beginning of creation and came into the world. The author presented the Word as the Son of God send into the world that the glory of God might be disclosed to human beings in their kind. The prologue revealed the authors intended his readers to discover an insight of his thought of line as he unfold the divine revelation in his message. The author did not introduc e himself in the prologue rather he introduced John the Baptist who proclaimed and witnessed the coming of the true light into the world. The author revealed the deity of the Son, it is clear from the prologue and the rest of Johns gospel that Jesus Christ is not just a man; He is also the eternal Son of God. The massage of Johns Gospel was addressed to new Christians and non-Christians, therefore the prologue perfectly build the faith and confidence in Jesus Christ, as they progress in further readings in the gospel they may believe that Christ is truly the Son of God. The word The clearest and most explicit statement in the New Testament concerning the incarnated word is in the prologue of Johns Gospel. The author applied the term Logos or Word to Christ in describing the personification and relationship with God. The word logos had a range of meanings in the Hellenistic and Hebrew world of the 1st century. The word was known in the writings of Philo a Jew descend who was mach influenced by the teachings of the Greek philosopher Plato. Philos logos had no personality neither did he implied anything like incarnation to the word, his logos referred to philosophical thought and reason. Johns descriptions of the Word or Logos had the original definition from the Jewish concept of Divine Wisdom from the Old Testament, the Wisdom of God was personified in wisdom literature ( Ps 33: 6) and some prophetic book of the bible (Joe 1:1). The word was known to exist in the beginning before the creation of the world in the Genesis account; the Word played a unique role as agent in creation. The word in the Old Testament concept is God self-expression in dwelling among men in revelation, these understanding makes it more suitable for the author of Johns Gospel to applied the word as Gods self-disclosure in His only begotten son. The opening words of the prologue raised the authors Christocentric understanding when he said that the word was with God which implied the differences and relationship between the word and God. Clearly the word is understood as Gods active agent in creation, and the word show the divine progressive nature of God. Jesus the incarnated word continues to exercise the exact nature of God proclaimed in the Old Testament. The light Johns prologue raises several themes that will continue throughout the Gospel: light, belief, truth, witness, and the identity of Jesus. Light is one of the greatest symbols that the author of Johns gospel used figuratively to show the exact significance of the divine attribute of God the son. The writer identified the light with the Old Testament context of the divine presence of God dwelling among His people, this analogy can be seen in the Shekinah glory experienced in (Exod.13:21), from this passage it is understood that the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire by night, these fire produced light during the darkest hours in the sight of Israel throughout their journeys. In other accounts such as the burning bush, Moses saw the light, for the fire was burning but did not consumed the bush (Exodus. 3: 1 1-9). There is a bound relation between fire and light, the psalmist gave a perfect imagery in (Ps. 104:2) where light is seen as a cloth covering the self-man ifestation of God. The writer of Johns gospel metaphorically used the light in the manifestation of Gods divine presence which is also in the personification presence of Jesus Christ. The writer said in the prologue that as the light shine and darkness disappear, he personified both light and darkness in verse (5) for the darkness will not be able to overpower the light, the passage reflect the dominance of light over the darkness. Christ gives light to every man, as the light of the world He shines on every human being in revelation and of salvation (John I: 9) The word became flesh and lives among men. The first four verses of Johns gospel (1:1-4) together with verse fourteen (1:14) provides the body of Christ, the Church with a clear provision of central understanding of the Christian faith through the incarnated word of God in Jesus Christ. The writer focused on the light and life that brought salvation to mankind in this dispensation of grace. He relates light to the revelation that illuminates the mind of those that are saved through faith, and relate life to the new birth, the spiritual birth that every believer receives through the grace of the lord Jesus Christ. The light removes the darkness of sin from the lives of sinner. John the Baptist testified the nature of Jesus Christ; he indicated the source of Gods light through His son to save the darkness of this world. Although the world was created through Christ as the author put it, the world did not recognize Him. From the fourteenth verse to the end of the prologue the writer made a distinct expression of the incarnated w ord that had became flesh and made His dwelling among human. From the Old Testament illustration of the tabernacle (Ex 25:8-9) dwelled among Gods people gave the exact understanding of Christ dwelling among His people in person. The prologue made it clear that in Christ, God revealed Himself in a way that could be seen as any other human being. The Law of Moses and Christ In the last two verses of the prologue the author laid greater emphases on the contrast between the law and the gospel. In essence the Law bear witness to Christ, the law is a guide that lead to salvation in the Son of God, the writer clearly stated that through Christ glory is expressed as means of grace and truth. The Ten Commandments is the word of God written on a stone tablet given to Israel through Moses on Mount Sinai represented the old covenant and Christ is Gods word in flesh represented His likeliness in the new covenant. God gave the Law to Israel through His servant Moses, these is recorded as one of the greatest among the old covenant era as the Son of God is recorded the greatest of all in the new covenant. The both the law and grace are the divine aspects of Gods nature that deals with man. The law was given to Israel as a guide to the coming Messiah and it was destine and fulfilled in Christ. The writer reveals the uniqueness of the only Son of the father at the end of the prologue; he once again affirmed the nature of the Father and the Son. Christ did not just proclaimed grace and truth, He presented it because He was part of the divine existence with God, He was the message and acted as a messenger in order to save mankind, He bear witness to the father and proclaimed the truth. Conclusion The prologue is a beautifully constructed passage it introduced and outlines the Gospel of John in thematic form. In just eighteen verses the writer introduced his reader from divine existence to humane understanding of incarnated word that revealed Gods redemptive plan for humanity through Jesus and by the end of the prologue the writer had already revealed the uniqueness of the true son of God. Christ the eternal word of God played a vital role in divinity and humanity in creation from the beginning, He is the very source of light and life to man. Although the light is surrendered with darkness yet it cannot overcame the light. Jesus brought light and life to mankind as He revealed the glory and grace of God. Johns Gospel is addressed to both Christians and non-Christians a good understanding of the prologue will help and acknowledge the readers of this gospel to build their faith and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

Anna Sampson Mr. Sharbatz Sophomore English B 3 March 2014 Friendship What is true friendship? â€Å"It is putting someone else first. It is being strictly honest, loyal, and chaste in every action. Perhaps it is the word commitment that unlocks the real meaning of friendship.† (Dalton). That is the essence of a true friend, someone that is always there for you. Though friendship is not easy, it can fall apart a lot easier. Good friendships can be affected from betrayal, distance, and differences in class. Betrayal some may say is â€Å"the most devastating loss a person can experience† (Frank). Especially when it comes from someone who is special like a friend and someone who trust is embedded within.The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini has numerous examples of friendship issues within it. In The Kite Runner Baba and Ali are friends, but once Baba betrays Ali by sleeping with his wife their friendship suffers greatly and never quite recovers (Hosseini 222). Betrayal is something that cannot easily be recovered from, something that changes two people’s relationship forever. Ano...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

Nick Carraway, the narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, assigns certain types of images and descriptive words to Tom, Daisy and Jordan and continues to elaborate on these illustration throughout the first chapter. Nick uses contrasting approaches to arrive at these character sketches; Tom is described by his physical attributes, Daisy through her mannerisms and speech, and Jordan is a character primarily defined by the gossip of her fellow personages. Each approach, however, ends in similar conclusions as each character develops certain distinguishing qualities even by the end of the first chapter. Lastly, the voices of the characters also helped to project truly palpable personalities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tom Buchanan is repeatedly depicted by words referring to his hulking and massive frame, producing a vivid image of sheer arrogance and power. Before Tom is even introduced, his expansive house is seen, an ostentatious mansion fit for a postcard. Tom later remarks matter-of-factly “I’ve got a nice place here'; (12). Nick’s first actual encounter with Tom is a paragraph saturated with words of strength and authority: sturdy, supercilious, enormous, and aggressive, to name a few. Tom’s physical body is described as “cruel'; and this describes more than just his body, but his demeanor as well. His voice, “…a gruff husky tenor…'; (11), added to his rough image. Every one of his actions is completed with unnecessary force. Tom has the tendency to manhandle Nick, manipulating nearly all of his movements. “…wedging his tense arm imperatively under mine, Tom Buchanan compelled me from the room as though he were m oving a checker to another square. (16)'; The action verbs Fitzgerald employs convey Tom’s brutish force. Charles Scribner III could not have been more correct when he said, “I would know Tom Buchanan if I met him on the street and would avoid him…'; (199).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daisy’s actions and words contrast greatly with her husband, Tom, and his grave nature. Her impression on the reader is frivolous with her “charming little laugh'; (13), and her light manner. In addition, Daisy’s tendency to murmur, rumored to make people lean closer to her, also reflects on her coquettish personality. Nick’s ability to read Daisy so well from her facial expressions and body language attests that her mannerisms are very illustrative; “Daisy took her face in her hands…I saw that turbulent emotions possessed her, so I asked what I thought would be some sedative questions. She also welcomes Nick’s charming but cheesy flattery, when talking about Chicago and she treats him the same way in return by referring to him as a rose and also by saying “I am p-paralyzed with happiness'; (13).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Corticosteroids: What I Learned from Prednisone :: Medicine Health Drugs

Corticosteroids: What I Learned from Prednisone If wellness equals homeostasis, then illness may be considered a loss or breakdown of homeostasis. Illness can be mild and require little or no intervention; sometimes the body will heal itself. At other times, though, illness can be a breakdown in the whole system. Sometimes, when something goes wrong, the brain loses the ability to fix itself or its extension, the body. To treat the illness, there are many drugs: some placebo-like and some are very potent, with enormous healing properties. Some drugs are homeopathic; they come from the earth in the form of herbs and have been used effectively to heal mild and annoying symptoms for hundreds of years. There are also beyond these, new and potent drugs that come from pharmaceutical laboratories. Some of these drugs have great healing power, but carry with them a double-edged sword, a healing edge and a destructive edge. It is one of these drugs, prednisone, that I wish to discuss in this paper. Physicians have prescribed prednison e to many of their patients who have life-threatening conditions. To illustrate, here is a quote from internationally known flutist and television commentator on the arts, Eugenia Zuckerman, who was diagnosed with an immunopathic lung disease. "I can breathe! In less than twenty-four hours I am practicing the flute with the kind of breath control I've been missing for months. And all it took was one day and sixty milligrams of prednisone! ...I feel a little shaky and weird, but I can play the flute! But now it is three days later. It is the middle of the night. I'm squinting into the mirror in the bathroom. Only seventy-two hours into my prednisone therapy and my face is definitely spreading. I'm already turning into a pumpkin." (2). I understand what Eugenia Zuckerman meant. I was also on prednisone. Corticosteroids (9) are wonderful-terrible-wonderful drugs. They make you crazy. (I was in psychotherapy.) They increase your appetite and increase your weight. (I was always hungry.) They put your nervous system on high alert. (I was nervous and frightened, my hands were shaky, and one eyelid twitched.) They produce edema. (My face and ankles swelled.) They cause insomnia, (I stayed up most of the night watching old movies on television.) Moreover, they give you the "gift" of boundless energy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Senior Paper

Women in Islam have little access to education. In many areas girls are often taken out of school when they hit puberty. (â€Å"listserv†). When boys and girls are in third grade they are able to go to the same school but after that, they are unable to do so. (â€Å"listserv†) In some parts if Islam the girls can't be taught by a man after a certain age because it has a negative impact on girls' education. (â€Å"listserv†) While some progress has been made, women are still struggling to be successful. Literacy rates among young Islam women are extreme low. Only 18 percent of women between 15 and 24 can read.The total number of children enrolled in primary schools is increasing rapidly, but the percentage of female students is not Women can do some of the same jobs that men can do. Sometimes women can actually do jobs better than men in particular jobs. In Islam men believe that they should have more right to jobs than women. (â€Å"The True Clash of Civiliansâ € ). Men and women should share equal responsibility. They might not be identical duties, but the totality of rights and responsibilities are balanced. The Quern says, â€Å"Women have the same rights as are expected in all decency from them, while men stand a step above them. Sure 2:228) In Islam, the alee and importance of women in society and the true measure of their success as human beings, is measured with completely different criteria. And their obedience to Him, and fulfillment of the duties He has entrusted them with. In Islam Women have strong beliefs in being leaders. That being said, Islam is a practical religion, and responds to human needs and life situations. Many women need or wish to work for various reasons. For example, some women may want to be mayor in their country or district. Some men in Islam believe that men make better political leaders than women. (â€Å"listserv†).When Prophet Mohammad was alive he allowed his women to take on powerful leaders hip positions. But, after his death, the role of women in society became very hard to maintain. The role of women in Islam is difficult to maintain. There are many different areas of Islam and different interpretations of the Curran verses, which place the role in Islamic societies in different ways. Like I said before women can do a good of a job as men especially when they have a leadership job. Knowing that women have little access to education, there are some solutions and steps we can take to slowly change the outcome of women.Many societies including some Muslim societies continue to exercise this manner in different forms such as the denial to education. Education is also highly competitive and in our country with culture so important, all children are encouraged to study hard in school and do well at a university level in order to be successful. Muslim girls are encouraged to work towards college education as much as Muslim boys. Some Muslims don't believe in allowing their daughters to go to school. But if Muslim girls just worked hard or even harder then maybe their parents can see that they are trying to better homeless.They don't allow them to learn to read, to participate in debates, to pursue their Master degrees, to succeed in their respective careers, and to make something of their lives. Not being able to do something makes someone want to do it more, so the girls must work extra hard to prove that they can too succeed. Three-quarters of the 1 00 million people are unable to read or write in the Arab countries, which are aged between 15 and 45 years old. But for some women of Islam, that doesn't stop them. Many Muslim women have to cope with the challenges of working in a non-Muslim environment.All women have been exposed to the workplace at some point in their lives can fully grasp the reasons why working outside the home is an enormous problem, particularly for Muslim women.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hip Hop and Americas Youth Essay

Music is a large part of life, it is important to America’s culture and identity. Music can   produce a negative effect on behavior and susceptible audiences, leading to aggressive behavior   in many of American youth. There have been many debates over hip-hop and its influence on the  youth community in America. Some people believe that it has a negative impact while others feel  that it does not account for any change in youth society. I believe that hip hop plays a role in the   destruction of the youth community in the America. How does music and human behavior   correspond? What are the negative and positive effects that hip hop has towards Americas youth   community?  Before I reach into the negative influences I would like to discuss the positive influences hip-hop  has brought to the society. Hip-Hop is among the top 5 most played genres. The oral creativity   the performer uses to generate a certain simile, metaphor, language and rhyme. Hip-hop and   poetry share the same methods that expedite into the youth culture to grow companionship   throughout the audience. Many devotees have agreed critical thinking about the society is   encouraged by hip-hop. Hip-hop is being used as an instructional tool by many instructors to   employ it for teaching grammar, mathematics and the periodic table.  The development of hip-hop started in Bronx New York. The evolution of hip-hop continues to   expand to our present day. It has become a movement and culture that began 30 to 40 years ago.   Kool Herc (DJ) is known as being a founder of hip-hop in 1967 when he made his first gig at his   sisters’ birthday party. Alterations within the culture have taken the originality to a whole new   level with technology taking its jump and commercialism overrunning the music industry.   (Palvic, 2006) The four elements condition (social, economic, cultural and political) reflects the  youth community allowing them to listen in a way they can relate or portray society. The Black   Arts Movements, Black Power, Civil Rights, New Negro Renaissance, Blues and Jazz are all phenomenon’s that can be drawn as similar artistic movements such as hip-hop. Rapping,   graffiti art, break dancing, and disc jockeying are considered to be among the four elements that wrap around hip-hop. Ever since hip-hop appeared in the Bronx, hip hop has incorporated a style  of language, dress and dialect and a way of looking at the world. (Alridge and James, 2005)  The relationship between human behavior and music is strong. Music effects human behavior in many ways and can summon emotions. (Gurney, 1982) There are types of music that   can relax a person, get a person pumped, and eve make a person feel sad. Music can increase   levels of memory as well as increase concentration levels. M usic is subject to bring a straight influence on the behavior of an individual. Studies have proven that music decreases the   accuracy of handwriting and keyboard typing. Nearly over one thousand studies have shown that  violent lyrical music produces a negative behavior in not all but certain children. The average   teens spend 4 to 5 hours daily listening to music or watching it on television. A Swedish study showed that more children that are conducted around violent music are more like to be influenced by their fellow peers than influenced by their parents/guardians. One can estimate that  youths are spending more time listening to music than listening to the guidance of their parents/guardians. More parents/guardians are getting less involved with what their children are listening to. One may believe that these parents/guardians may think that there is no consequence  for their children .This is a result in youths being lead down the wrong path which will eventually stab them later in life. This compilation almost works like the butterfly effect. Its starts out with something small and gradually work its way into something big. Human personality is developed unconsciously in the stages of growth in child hood. What we learn in  Hip Hop and America’s youth community 4  and become accustomed to in our childhood development will insure what we will become in our  adulthood. The concern is not within hip-hop itself but it’s the songs that promote racism, sex, violence, and drug use. These elements are the outlook of the world that hip-hop brings to society. I believe if you can change this outlook you can change the world. Violent hip-hop is just entrainment or gangster stories painted through lyrics like picture movies, simply believe everything a rapper says and sometimes begin to behave the same as well. (Mcwhorter, 2003)Dr. Tricia Rose conducted a research to determine whether violent lyrics,and in the case of music videos, violent images, can cause violent youth behavior. She gathered 5 youth ranging from the ages 5-12. In this experiment the children are the independent variable and hi p hop music being the dependent variable. Dr. Tricia had four computer monitors set up. Each child would watch the music videos with headsets on. Dr. Tricia then would study the behavior the children showed. She concluded from four out of five children were showing signs in change of behavior as the hip hop music was being played. The younger children would follow what they were seeing. The children would raise their hands up and flash gang’s signs up as they saw in the music video. Dr. Tricia proves that the majority of the children that sat and watched the music video were affected by what was being played. Hip hop artist have changed rapidly over the past 30 to 40 years. The culture is now usingdrugs, money, foul language and many other things to get inside the listener’s head. (Mcwhorter, 2003) One may wonder if developing a clean version of hip hop music to be played on the radio is enough. It doesn’t change what the artist is really inferring. The people o f America should not allow their youth community to listen to such music for it will only cause bigger problems in the long run. First off the black youth community in America will not be able grow in the society. The Black community will always looked upon as being a group of uneducated ignorant people. When playing music human behavior is to mimic what they see or hear. One can believe that children will be cursing, having adolescent sex, dressing inappropriately and etc. The hip hop culture has become more inappropriate the past 30 to 40 years. Classic hip-hop is the MC who raps from the heart while enlightens the people with a different way of seeing the world. The term MC is short for master of ceremonies, which was started in 1974(before rap).We’ve noted that many of the youth community in America can have a negative and little positive effect on hip hop music. Music can affect human behavior in psychological ways. Parental guidance is overrun by the amount of hours youths listen to music. Although music is a large part of life, it’s important to America’s culture and identity. The debates over hip hops negative effect on youth will continue unless the culture puts in the effort to change the hip-hop industry. References Alridge, Derrick P., and James B. Stewart. â€Å"Introduction: Hip Hop in History: Past, Present, and Future.† The Journal of African History 90.3 (2005): 190-95. Print. Gurney, Edmund (1982). â€Å"The psychology of music.† Mind, 7(25), 89-100.Print. Mcwhorter, John H. â€Å"How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks Back.† (n.d.): n. pag. City Journal. The Manhattan Institute, Summer 2003. Web. Feb.-Mar. 2014. . Palvic, E. (2006). Rap, Soul, and the Vortex at 33.3 RPM: Hip-Hop’s Implements and African American Modernisms. Callaloo, 29(3), 956-968.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Conflict Management Plan Essay

Competing The strength maybe that one person will see the benefits.The weakness will be that the other person in the issue will not benefit the same or at all at the other person in the situation and does not consider the other in the situations. Collaborating The strength is when both parties involved in the issue propose to solve the problem by discussing the differences rather than by accommodating, therefore they benefit from the results.The weakness maybe if both parties agree to re solve the issue but cannot discuss the differences in their issues. Avoiding The strength is when the parties try to move on from the issue and not cause a big deal over it.The weakness maybe that by dismissing the issue; it will never get resolved. Accommodating The strength is when one party involve is willing to be the bigger person and let the other party involve win the situation, in order to keep the peace.The weakness maybe that the person who is willing to let the other win the issue. They will never resolve the issue between them and it is possible that it can be brought up in another situation. Compromising The strength can be that the issue will be solved and both parties neither win nor lose.The weakness maybe that both parties have to give up something in order for the issue to be resolved. Also, both parties to the issue will have incomplete satisfaction. 2.Which of the available conflict management strategies is most appropriate for the current situation with David and James? Provide your rationale, including what factors you considered in making your selection. Your response should be at least 100 words. In James and David situation, the most appropriate conflict management strategy will be the Collaborating and Compromising strategy. According to Robbins and Judge (2011), collaborating is when both individuals involved are in the agreement to solve the conflict in order to make each individual involved happy. It is believed that David and James should talk about the issue and try get to the bottom of where the issue or conflict began. Therefore, when James and David come to an agreement to collaborate and solve the issue, both can be happy with the outcome because not one or the other made the choice alone; it was a team effort. In addition, using the compromising strategy has some similar effects to the collaborating strategy, however, in this case there is no win or lose situation. Both James and David will have to compromise in making a decision in which will not benefit them both, but it will solve the issue. 3. If the selected strategy is not successful, what is your alternate strategy? Provide your rationale for this selection. Your response should be at least 100 words. In James and David situation if the first strategies do not work, the second appropriate conflict management strategy would be to use the accommodating strategy. Robbins and Judge (2011) states that, accommodating is when individual involved in the conflict put the best interest of the other party before themselves. This strategy may be tricky because in order for this to work, David or James will have to make a choice to put the other person in front of themselves. As a result, this strategy can strengthen James and David friendship because they will see that no matter what, one of them is willing to accommodate the other in order to keep the peace. 4.What potential road blocks might be encountered in resolving the conflict? How would you address these? Your response should be at least 100 words. 5. In James and David Situation the potential road blocks that might be encountered are communication, structure and personal variable. Robbins and Judge (2011) states that, communication, structure and personal variables my not directly lead to conflict however they are necessary in order for conflict to arise. When there is not communication between to individuals problems will arise. Moreover, I would address the issue by using one of the conflict resolution strategies such as the collaborating. I would set James and David to communicate with each other and discuss the issue and try to resolve it amongst each other. Hope the outcomes between both individual is to resolve the conflict. Reference Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. University of Phoenix. (2012). University of Phoenix Material: Conflict Management Plan Plan. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MGT/311 – ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT website. University of Phoenix. (2012). Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MGT/311 Organizational Development website.

Kant vs. Hegel

Leona Take LARS 3155 10 February 2013 Kant and Hegel Hegel’s concept of the â€Å"Absolute Idea† claims that there is a universal and ideal standard that is continuously being revealed throughout history, in various forms of human expression. The Absolute Idea can be interpreted as God, nature, spirit, or reality. With art, there is no such thing as â€Å"Art for Art’s sake† because art is a manifestation of the unfolding of the Absolute Idea.In Hegel’s Art History, the progression of art is always moving closer to ultimate reality, because spiritual realization is teleological. The Absolute is fully realized when form and content are harmonious and concrete in their depiction of spirit and man. Beauty is dependent upon these things. For Hegel, the classical period is characterized by the depiction of ideal beauty in the perfect human body in ancient Greek sculpture.However, the concreteness of the human body is later seen as limited for not represe nting spirit and imagination in a more abstract form. Therefore, Hegel’s ideal of beauty is ever changing according to Art’s development in history, and his terms. In other words, Hegel calls the shots. In contrast to Hegel, Kant’s philosophy of art was a deliberate attempt to remove personal subjectivity. Like Hegel, Kant did believe there was a universal beauty, or Absolute of something, except Kant did not have any references to measure this by.For Kant, we can only come to know what is really beautiful when one has no agenda, concept, or comparison to measure the object with. From Kant’s perspective, Hegel is attached to all of these things, and therefore he can not really know beauty outside of his own perception. It is an intuitive inner knowing, versus a cognitive knowing. This is significantly different from Hegel’s ideal of beauty, since knowing what is really beautiful can never be answered concretely, but rather intuitively.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Cornell cooperative extension of tompkins county Essay

Background The organization discussed here is Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. Cornell Cooperative Extension is a â€Å"key outreach† organization of Cornell University with a physically powerful communal operation and a broad neighboring existence which is approachable to desires in New York societies. The Cornell Cooperative Extension educational organization allows citizens to develop their lives and societies all the way through enterprises that position practice and research information to work. The nationwide system of Cooperative Extension programs started in 1914 as a reason of applying â€Å"land-grant† university investigation in reasonable and constructive manners to farmers and rural families. Today, Cooperative Extension serves up â€Å"urban, suburban, town and rural areas† by presenting plans in five extensive areas: Agriculture & Food Systems; Children, Youth, & Families; Community & Economic Vitality; Environment & Natural Resources; and Nutrition & Health. Cornell Cooperative Extension functions on the Cornell college grounds through the guidance of faculty and employees in departments in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Human Ecology, with involvements from the College of Veterinary Medicine. The county-based Cornell Cooperative Extension associations and the New York City office present 56 doorways to Cornell University. Extension educators in these localities shape authoritative community-university organizations with the Cornell college grounds, and occupy local citizens to speak to the matters and worries of New Yorkers. Purpose of Policy Manual The reason of the policy manual is to correspond to the Association’s personnel policies to employees. A human resource policy manual supplies an administration and guidance instrument supplying information for treating human resource queries, improvement prospects, and matters. The policy manual provides an outline of the Association’s policies that communicate to â€Å"rules, regulations, practices, compensation, and benefits that affect employment and guide daily operations. † The employee policy manual supplies general guidelines concerning Association’s policies. Selection Employment Definitions The Association categorizes each employee at the instant of hire according to one of the several classifications. Each employee is also appointed as exempt or non-exempt from federal and state lowest earnings and overtime guidelines. An employee is an entity who is appointed by the Association as an independent contractor volunteer. A supervisor is an employee who has been authorized by the Association to allot, express, and calculate the work of an authorized cluster of employees. A full-time employee is an employee who is frequently programmed to work 37. 5 hours or more per week. A part-time employee is an employee who is frequently set up to work less than 37. 5 hours per week and more than 20 hours per week. A temporary employee is an employee who is appointed to provisionally supplement the workforce. A temporary employee’s service obligation is for 20 hours or more per week and is for a restricted interval of less than six months. A casual employee is a provisional worker who is frequently listed to work less than 20 hours per week. Exempt/Non-Exempt Status Every worker is selected as exempt or non-exempt from federal and state minimum wage and overtime regulations in agreement with The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and NYS Wage and Hour regulations. An exempt employee is a worker who becomes certified for a release from federal and state minimum wage and overtime terms as either an â€Å"executive, professional, or administrative employee. † Furthermore, there are extraordinary guidelines concerning to â€Å"seasonal camp employees. † A non-exempt employee is a worker who is focused to federal and state minimum wage and overtime terms. Recruitment and Selection of Staff Appointing supervisors are accountable for following all officially authorized and organization obligations when filling unoccupied. It is the motive of the Association to utilize quality workers whose documentations and displayed capability match the requirements of the position. The Association pursues the practice of â€Å"employment-at-will. † The Association does not undertake or pledge service for any particular stage of time. Either an employee or the Association may stop the employment connection at any time for any official motive with or without reason or note. All provisional and casual employees are appointed with a particular period of service. An employment contract may be utilized in a distinctive situation but the contract must denote it is a contract, must be in writing and signed by both the Executive Director and the employee. No other oral or written announcements or demonstrations can bound the Association’s right to expire employment at will. Former Employees and Minors The Association can think about a previous worker for re-employment in an available place for which he/she may be experienced and supported on the motive for the preceding division and the Association’s existing working requirements. If rehired, the person is believed to be a fresh worker as of the date of re-employment and a fresh direction phase must be completed. The Association permits the service of minors (ages 14 to 17) in fulfillment with the rules and regulations relating the service of minors as outlined in the NYS Department of Labor booklet. Employment of Federal Retirees. An individual withdrawn beneath the â€Å"Civil Service Retirement System or the Federal Employees Retirement System† is not disqualified from reemployment for which he or she is qualified. Though, for doing so the Association is supposed to speak to the Federal Retirement Officer in Extension Administration at Cornell to guarantee salary is matched with pension benefits from the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, D. C. If the retiree is being paid or has applied for a pension, his/her income will be decreased by the quantity he/she gets as a pension. Upon termination of a federal retiree who has been engaged by the Association, the Association should notify the Federal Retirement Officer in Extension Administration with the date of termination. Employment of State Retirees A state retiree may not be appointed lacking previous agreement under Section 212 or 211 of the Retirement and Social Security Law. Each hiring administrator at the Association must be conscious of the requirement to achieve former authorization to utilize a state retiree. The New York State Employees’ Retirement System permits Associations to employ state retirees with support from the Association’s Executive Director. If this support is not gained, the retirees may misplace or have drops made in their retirement profits. Employment of Non-Citizens As with all employees, employment of qualified non-citizens is conditional on the appearance of unique certification of evidence of uniqueness and service eligibility in agreement with The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986.