Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Imposition of Democracy in Iraq essays

The Imposition of Democracy in Iraq essays In the wake of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the world is faced with an arduous task. After the removal of a totalitarian regime that has suppressed the Iraqi people for decades, a new government must be created in Iraq. This task is a difficult one for several reasons, but perhaps the largest is because of the challenge that is present in attempting to instill democracy in a nation which has never truly experienced it, and thus has no existing infrastructure which has the capacity to support democracy. Not only this, but one must take into account that the Iraqi people have no concept for an identity as a free, democratic nation. After being repressed for such a substantial amount of time, they will most likely face great difficulty in discovering ways to best utilize their freedom for the prosperity of the people of Iraq. Nevertheless, one must hope that a democratic system will be able to survive and prosper. Despite the initial difficulties which may arise, a democracy is the best co urse of action because it will create an economically sound environment in the long run. The economy will bloom under a non-authoritarian rule. Democracy will let the free market do its work, and with the guidance of political institutions, create a nation which is prosperous and free. Freedom and democracy have historically depended upon the strength of the bourgeoisie (merchant middle class) within a given society. According to Barrington Moore, a strong bourgeoisie has been extremely pivotal in the creation of successful democratic systems. Moore uses three categories of criteria to classify the strength of the bourgeoisie in a society (Moore 1966). The first depends upon the form of commercial agriculture a nation uses. Currently, Iraqs system of commercial agriculture (post-Saddam) is market-based, which according to Moore is conducive to democracy. Next Moore looks at the strength (commercial impulse/interests) of the bourgeoisie. In Iraq, t...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 tips on how to keep employee turnover low

5 tips on  how to keep employee turnover low One core aspect of successfully running a business- regardless of its size or the industry it’s operating in- is keeping staff happy and motivated so that they continue to perform at effective levels. It also helps to reduce levels of employee turnover- something that strategic, forward-thinking management teams should always consider.Why is employee turnover so crucial to manage carefully? Simple- its potential negative effects on an organization can be profound, and can impact every aspect of a company’s ability to operate efficiently.Entrepreneur published an insightful article on the hidden costs of employee turnover  in which  Toronto-based human resources consultant Tom Armour discussed the hidden ways turnover can have a financial effect on a company, including:The cost  of  the work that isn’t getting done when an employee is missingCo-workers not being able to work to their full potential because they’re picking up the slack from missing e mployeesA loss of credibility for management when a work environment has a reputation for excessive turnover and employees grow discouraged that they will thrive thereSo, it’s clear that employee turnover is a potential problem for any business and that its potential effects are wide and deep. That said, there are some strategic steps that key management, HR teams, and hiring personnel can take in an effort to minimize its prevalence. Forbes recently published an article that highlights several key ways to reduce employee turnover.Consider using these 5 strategies in your company.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});1. Hire the right people.Keeping employees starts with hiring the right employees. You likely  hire employees  who have strong skills that match your open position. But, how well do your employees fit in with your business’s culture?You must hire employees who are behavioral and cultural fits for the job. You can ask emplo yees  behavioral interview questions  to find out how they react in certain situations. Also, during interviews, be sure to show candidates around your business and tell them about your workplace culture. Candidates will hopefully eliminate themselves if they don’t fit in.If employees don’t fit in with your work environment, I guarantee they won’t be happy. They won’t fit in, they won’t get along with their co-workers and they’ll feel lonely. An outstanding candidate that doesn’t match the behaviors and culture of your business won’t stay around long. They’ll take their skills somewhere where they fit in.2. Offer competitive pay and benefits.People want to be compensated well. They need to cover standard expenses like housing, utilities, and food- and most people want enough money for extras, too. If you don’t pay your employees well, they’ll find a business that will.When determining compensation for y our employees, it’s good to do market research on wages. Find out what your competitors pay their employees. Research a  competitive salary range  based on similar jobs in your local area. For example, if you want to hire an IT specialist in San Francisco, you should consider what other businesses in San Francisco pay their IT specialists.And you can’t simply give employees paychecks and be done. Employees want good benefits, too. You must offer competitive benefits that your employees want. Learn about  common employee benefits. Then, find out what benefits competitors and other businesses in your area offer.3. Give praise freely and often.Your employees need encouragement and recognition. When they do something right, show your appreciation. When they finish a large, difficult project or submit a project before the deadline, congratulate them. Show them that you see their hard work.Of course, don’t feel like you have to shower employees with praise for e verything they do. You don’t have to praise employees for small, everyday tasks. But, when employees truly do something worth congratulations, give it.The goal here is to create an encouraging, positive work environment. When employees feel respected, acknowledged, desired, and motivated, they are more likely to stay. Best of all, this method to decrease employee turnover is free. You just have to use your words.4. Guide employees down a career path at your company.If employees stay stagnate in one job for too long, they might search for another job where they can advance. Most employees want to increase their skills and knowledge and move up the career ladder. Showing employees a projected career path gives them a sense of direction and purpose.You should lay out an ideal plan for your employees. Where can they go from their current position? Maybe it’s an upward or lateral move. Or, maybe your employees can earn more responsibility in their current position. Whatever it is, let your employees know how they can advance.After you’ve set up a plan with them, you can help employees advance along their career path. Provide them with coaching quarterly by recommending ways to advance. You can also offer employees training opportunities. Give them plenty of chances to learn new skills and put them into practice in their current job.5. Don’t shy away from flexibility.If it’s possible, allow  flexible work schedules that let employees adjust their work time and location. That way, employees can create a work-life balance for themselves. Your workers can pursue things beyond work, go to appointments, and take care of their families- all while getting their work done on time.Flexible work schedules might not be possible for all businesses; your employees might need to be at your business at specific times. But there still might be ways you can offer flexibility, such as the option of working from home one day a week or adjusting a s tart time for the day.There you have it- if you’re interested in minimizing the effects of employee turnover in your organization, take advantage of the tips listed here to help keep your business operating effectively.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Vikings Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Vikings - Assignment Example historians reached Polynesia in the 16th century, the ability of Polynesians to carry out distant voyages had already been lost and they had been widely isolated on scattered islands. This, coupled with the lack of literate persons to record their history, led to little being known about their culture and expansion (Hadley 19). This led to the eventual decline of both groups. The main reasons for exploration were trade and colonization. The case is the same with the Vikings, but, a bit more is known about their expansion since they are said to have explored places such as North Africa, North Atlantic, Middle East, and Russia, mostly raiding, pillaging and engaging in trade. Vikings built very sophisticated ships for various uses, mainly raiding and trading, and their ship craftsmanship was superb. The Polynesians mostly relied on outrigger canoe construction techniques to build their vessels and had navigators at various islands. Trade was more developed among the Vikings compared to the Polynesians (Hadley 33). Both cultures were non-literate and had no literary

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gene therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gene therapy - Essay Example Currently, research is going on for gene therapy by various approaches in different parts of the world for various diseases like combined immuno-deficiencies, hemophilia, Parkinson's disease, cancer and even HIV (Verma and Weitzman, 2005). Though gene therapy has been under research for the past 2 decades, no single gene therapy has been approve for clinical use. The main reason for this is safety concerns pertaining to gene therapy trials and treatment. In this essay, various strategies to increase the safety of gene therapy will be discussed through review of suitable literature. Safety issues related to gene therapy are mainly related to the methods employed in gene therapy. There are basically 2 methods of gene therapy and they are ex-vivo therapy and in-vivo therapy. In ex-vivo therapy, gene delivery is done in cells after being removed from the body (Hecht, 2004). The cells used thus are basically grown in the laboratory. The cells are than modified outside the body and then tr ansplanted back into the body. In some research trials, cells from blood or born marrow are taken out and cultured in a laboratory. Thereafter, the cells are exposed to the virus with the desired gene. The virus infects the cells and transfers the therapeutic genetic material into the nucleus of the cells. After this, the cells are injected into the patient’s body by vein. In in vivo therapy, gene delivery is done in the cells that are still in the body. The simplest method of introducing therapeutic genetic material into the cells is direct introduction into target cells. However, this method is not practical because it can be used only with certain tissues and requires large amounts of DNA. Other methods are there wherein the genes are delivered into cells by vectors like viruses or bacteria, by electroporation or tiny synthetic "envelopes" of fat molecules (Hecht, 2004). Of these, the most commonly used vector is virus. Vector is the carrier of the gene. Viruses are used a s vectors to deliver genetic material to the nucleus of the cell that contains its DNA. The natural ability of a virus to enter a cell is used for this purpose. The viruses used for gene therapy are retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno-associated virus and herpes simplex virus (Genetics Home Reference, 2008). While preparing the vectors for gene therapy, the DNA coding for a part or whole of the normal genes of the virus to be used as a carrier is removed and replaced with the treatment gene. The carriers are engineered in such a way that there ability to enter the cells is not lost but they cannot reproduce. Genes delivered by tiny synthetic "envelopes" of fat molecules enter the cell by cell membrane which has very high concentration of fat molecules. In electroporation, the genes are delivered into the cells by creating tiny openings in the cell membrane. This is done by using a bionic chip. The chip contains a single living cell embedded in a tiny silicon circuit (Hecht, 2004). Another method of gene therapy is where the therapeutic gene gets inside the target cell by chemically linking the DNA to a molecule that will bind to special cell receptors. After binding to these receptors, the DNA is engulfed by the cell membrane and passed into the interior of the target cell. However, this is less effective than the other methods (Genetics Home R

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Contemporary management functions Essay Example for Free

Contemporary management functions Essay Contemporary management functions reflect considerations of past management theories and aim to improve and strengthen employer-employee relationships as well as providing suitable working conditions for employees. Management functions are functions which managers perform to â€Å"effectively and efficiently coordinate the work of others. (Robbins, 2012). The functions consist of planning, organising, leading and controlling. The theories discussed in the article (1981) Hawthorne, the Myth of the Docile Worker, and Class Bias in Psychology, American Psychologist, 36(8) pp. 867-878. By Bramel, D, an article written about the Hawthorne Research conducted between 1924-1933, which looked to identify the relation between various working conditions and productivity and output, highlight the need for contemporary management functions. The article addresses how integral a continuous strong and communicative relationship is between the employer and employees of a business and the necessity of a strong and ethical organizational culture. Poor executions of the leading management function can reduce trust between employers and employees and create job dissatisfaction. In regards to the rapid decrease in output in period 12, Bramel writes that Roethlisberger and Dickson (1939) stated that the â€Å"workers were afraid that should their previous performance be maintained or improved in this period, rest pauses might never again be reinstated. † (Bramel, D. 1981). This is an example of a lack of communication between employer and employee, resulting in resistance from employees. Communication is a vital part of the organising management function; communication is the transfer of understanding and meaning (Robbins, 2012). In the case study, understanding was clearly not transferred between managers and employees as despite employees being reassured this was only temporary prior to the exercise, the workers still believed that management was â€Å"really interested in how to squeeze the most out of them, rather than in making their working conditions better for them. †(Bramel, D. 1981). The lack of understanding and meaning communicated between each party led to the reduced trust ultimately resulting in lowered total output. This is well summarised by Bramel â€Å"If the workers had in fact ad the kind of trust in management’s good intentions that Mayo claims, would they have found it necessary to resist the experimenters so actively in this period? The picture we get, instead, is of a group of rather wary workers engaged in a continuing skirmish with management and determined not to be taken advantage of. Rather than become a part of the company â€Å"team,† they became a team of their own, rather coolly looking out for their own economic interests in an adversary relationship with management. â€Å" (Bramel, D. 981). Bramel highlights the trust lacking in an â€Å"adversary relationship† with the worker’s management, who work as a team outside of the organisation’s best interests. (Bramel, D. 1981). The leading management function recognises that managers must be able to explain, predict and influence employee’s behaviour for success. Managers must be able to explain why employees engage in some behaviour, predict how employees will respond to various actions of the manager, and to influence how employees behave (Robbins, 2012). Job satisfaction is an employee attitude, which refers to an employee’s general attitude towards their job; employees with high levels of job satisfaction have positive attitudes towards their jobs. People’s behaviours, attitudes and actions are closely related. In the case of the Hawthorne Study, managers were unsuccessful in predicting how employees would respond to their actions and did not positively influence employee’s behaviour through their actions. Dissatisfied employees can result in workplace misbehaviour (Robbins, 2012). s witness in the case study where employees intentionally slowed down production to spite the managers. Poor job satisfaction as a result of indisposed working conditions and a poor leading management function contributed to the fall in productivity. Weak management of employees reduces motivation and employee contentment. During period 12 of the experiment, productivity dropped significantly as a result to the removal of resting periods for the workers. Bramel writes that evidence revealed four of the five workers actually slowed down, and it was apparent that it was intentional. The workers were quite consciously adopting a strategy in-tended to induce the experimenters to return quickly to the preferred conditions† (Bramel, D. 1981). The evidence is clear that there was a direct correlation between the decrease in output and fall in motivation for the workers and the removal of rest pauses, as the output increased significantly for all five workers with the return of the rest pauses (Bramel, D. 1981). Motivation is a key part of the leading management function. It is the process by which a person’s efforts are energised, directed and sustained towards attaining a goal. (Robbins, 2012). The manager must be supportive, they must, have mutual confidence and trust, help to maintain a good income, understanding of work problems and help in doing the job, genuine interest in personal problems. (Mullins, 2005). Managers must look to continually motivate and increase performance of employees through different processes such as; rewards for performance, recognition and appraisal, showing care and concern, and using attainable goals. (Robbins, 2012). A strong organisational culture can harness and set the foundation for the four key management functions; planning, organising, leading and controlling. A strong organisational culture provides shared values that ensure that everyone in the organisation is on the same track (Robbins, 1996). Organisational culture offers a shared system of meaning, which forms the basis of communication and mutual understanding (Funrham and Gunter, 1993). Strong organisational cultures are strong in the leading management function, as employees are motivated through values they share with their colleagues. Organisational culture complements rational managerial tools by playing an indirect role in influencing behaviour (Martins and Terblanche, 2003). Hence it being important for a strong culture to plan, organise, lead and control processes with the agreement, cooperation and enthusiasm of employees, in order to avoid resistance and hostility. It can be seen through the study of several articles that contemporary management functions are integral for successful management. Via the study of the Hawthorne Study, the theories proposed have illuminated how imperative the proper conduction of the management functions are for firms. A strong organisation culture provides the framework for managers to conduct the management functions by creating and sharing the values, which the functions will encompass through the firm. Contemporary management functions must be organising and leading via successful communication, understanding and motivation to be successful.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Helen Keller: A Medical Marvel or Evidence of the I-Function? Essay

Helen Keller: A Medical Marvel or Evidence of the I-Function? Everyone cried a little inside when Helen Keller, history's notorious deaf-blind-mute uttered that magic word 'wa' at the end of the scientifically baffling classic true story. Her ability to overcome the limitations caused by her sensory disabilities not only brought hope for many like cases, but also raised radical scientific questions as to the depth of the brain's ability. For those who are not familiar with the story of Helen Keller or the play 'The Miracle Worker', it recalls the life of a girl born in 1880 who falls tragically ill at the young age of two years old, consequently losing her ability to hear, speak, and see. Helen's frustration grew along side with her age; the older she got the more it became apparent to her parents that she was living in more of an invisible box, than the real world. Her imparities trapped her in life that seemed unlivable. Unable to subject themselves to the torment which enveloped them; watching, hearing and feeling the angst which Helen projected by throwing plates and screaming was enough for them to regret being blessed with their own senses. The Kellers, in hopes of a solution, hired Anne Sullivan, an educated blind woman, experienced in the field of educating sensory disabilities arrived at the Alabama home of the Kellers in 1887. There she worked with Helen for only a little over a month attempting to tea ch her to spell and understand the meaning of words v. the feeling of objects before she guided Helen to the water pump and a miracle unfolded. Helen understood the juxtaposition of the touch of water and the actual word 'water' Anne spelled out on her hand . Helen suddenly began to formulate the word 'wa... ...ther or not the I function exists in the literal sense, its presence began to make its way into scientific rationality long before Christopher Reeves. Sources Cited: 1)jstor home page, Scientific Monthly Vol.15 No.3 2)originresearch home page 3)The Life of Helen Keller 4)Scientific America 5)Sensory Perceptions Homepage 6)More of the Life of Helen Keller

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What Were the Social and Political Impacts of the Partition of India and Pakistan?

India gained its independence from Britain on the 15th of August, 1946 but then was previously faced with another issue. Partition. Muslims and Hindus wanted to be separated into their own countries, but what impacts would this have economically and socially? I will answer this question, analyzing both aspects, throughout this essay. This essay is based on books and articles I have read as well as interviews from my family members and detailed research through the internet. One source I mainly used was a book by Gyanesh Kudaisya and Tai Yong Tan: The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia, which gave me a good idea of the aspects that were mostly impacted by the partition and how I should format this essay properly to thoroughly answer my question. Another book that greatly helped me was, The Economic Consequences of Divided India: a study of the economy of India and Pakistan, by Chandulal Nagindas Vakil. This book helped me answer the question of economy more detailed. I also interviewed my grandma, which gave me more of a cultural feel on how to answer this question. Towards the end of Britain’s 190 year rule over India, unavoidable issues began rising. These issues would be the reasons of Independence from Britain. Once the British began to see that their reign is coming to its end, they decided that they would first split the Hindus and Muslims before allowing India to gain its independence. So rose the issue of Partition. Though Hindus and Muslims had once lived peacefully together as brothers, that was soon changed and the notion of partition spread like a deadly virus. Muslims wanted to return to the previous days when India was under the Mughal Empire, which was the Muslim rule. They could not bear the idea of Hindus becoming more powerful or even equal to them. They also â€Å"†¦refused to learn English and to associate with the British†¦,† but once they saw â€Å"†¦that the Hindus were now in better positions in government†¦,† they knew that they had to put these differences between the British aside for now (Keen). Hindus were the same way, in the matter that they could not see Muslims ruling over them once again even though it might not be directly ruling but rather in higher authorities. Also, political leaders Jawaharal Nehru and Mohammad Jinnah were in a fit about who shall be the Prime Minister of India. This task of deciding was giving to Gandhi because of the high amount of respect everyone had for him. Choosing either one could lead to major controversies as well as violence because Nehru was Hindu and Jinnah was Muslim. After much contemplation Gandhi decided that they will divide India so that Jinnah could control the Pakistani Congress and Nehru the Hindustani Congress. Violence ensued and overnight people left their houses in a hurry to avoid being robbed, raped and killed. The social aftermath of the partition includes the civilians and their society. During this extreme upheaval and â€Å"†¦movement of some 12 million people, uprooted, ordered out, or fleeing their homes and seeking safety. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, thousands of children disappeared, thousands of women were raped or abducted,† (english. emory. edu, Economist). Each religion were trying to reach the â€Å"†¦regions where their ancestors were from,† and like this â€Å"15 million refugees poured across the borders to regions completely foreign to them,† (Keen). Families were separated, uprooted and all in all destroyed. Other social impacts were that of simply talking to one another in society. Hindus would not talk to Muslims and vice versa. They mercilessly killed each other out of senseless rage of their differences. An example of this senselessness was when Gandhi was shot by a Hindu. Gandhi was also Hindu. Then why did this fellow Hindu kill Gandhi, a man of such high virtues and a major cause for independence? A man that was never a supporter of violence but in the end died of violence from his fellow Hindu? The cause was simply that â€Å"the Hindu detested Gandhi’s tolerance towards Muslims,† (Trueman). This caused an already unraveling society to unravel the last of its binding seams. It was literally rare to see a Hindu and Muslim together in a time of such anger and hate. There was nothing safe about this time and it was considered a blessing to come out alive even if in the poorest of conditions. The partition not only had an immense impact on the social aspect of the society but also on the economic aspect. Impacts included a decrease in confidence in enterprising and there was â€Å"an atmosphere of uncertainity and suspense,† (Anand). Investors and business men didn’t know if their shop would be burnt down the next day or if they were putting themselves and their family in danger by making themselves known. It also caused a â€Å"gap in demand, for products like cotton textile, glass, aluminium, vegetable oils, rubber goods, foot wear†¦,† (Anand). Also shortages of raw matierals were experienced in industries such as the â€Å"paper,leather tanning and some chemical industries,† (Anand). Another impact of the partition was that many of our skilled laborers were forced out of the country into the country of their ancestors. The partition of India was done in unnecessary rage over religion, society and a fight with the past that they could not let go. This partition broke the country into two parts so opposite from each other and whose hatred has not yet simmered down after all these years. This partition left so many scars on both the lands both socially and economically though the social impacts being more lasting and greater than the economic. These social impacts have remained though not as intense or violent as in 1947 but they have not yet gone and might never end but the economic issues listed previously have been dealt and handled and now India is a major rising power in the world.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space

The Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space Executive sum-up The purpose of this study is to sketch the factors which should be taken into history in the design of a modern life or working infinite. The study discusses three factors related to design of an ideal office, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The study gives a figure of recommendations, the chief 1s being:Allow natural air flow by utilizing a cross airing system to make a fresh ambiance.Decorate the office with Blue and Green colour to make a pleasant and productive ambiance.Use fluorescent visible radiations to make natural, warm or daylight colorss of visible radiation to cut down oculus fatigue and concern jobs.Tables of ContentssPage No.1.0Introduction42.0Design factors42.0.1Environmental factors42.0.2Affectional factors42.0.3Practical factors52.1Planing an ideal office52.1.1Environmental factors in an office design52.1.2Affectional factors in an office design52.1.3Practical factors in an office design63.0Decision64.0Recommendation65.0Reference List8In troductionThe intent of this study is to sketch the factors which should be taken into history in the design of a modern life or working infinite, and to give recommendations sing the ideal design of an office. It is written for Mr James Scott as portion of the Academic English class demands. The information was acquired through cyberspace research and group treatment. First, the study outlines the general factors related to design of a modern life or working infinite. Following, these factors are applied to the ideal design of an office. Subsequent to this, a decision is given followed by clear recommendations. 2.0 Design factors There are three factors to take into history when planing a modern life or work infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical considerations. 2.0.1 Environmental factors Environmental factors relate to utilize of natural resource and the decrease of cost through the usage of renewable energy beginnings. The ways to make this involve, First, by utilizing a cross airing design to maintain populating country cool, fresh and healthy. Second, by put ining Windowss and doors on the E and west side, maximal natural visible radiation can be utilized. Third, by put ining solar panel and photo-voltaic system, electricity can be generated for different intents and its C free energy ( Seminara, 2014 ) . Hence, the usage of natural resource in modern life or working infinite reduces pollution and energy ingestion. 2.0.2 Affectional factors Affectional factors are to make with interior design and ornament of life or working infinite that affect people’s temper and attitudes. Harmonizing to Sanders ( 2014 ) , agreement of accoutrements and furniture affect the human tempers. For case, by maintaining a little tabular array with cheerful and colorful flowers and cosmetic container next to imbibe coaster can elate temper and create pleasant and friendly environment. Furthermore, adorning infinite with bright colorss and LED rope light gives energy and relaxation ( Taylor, 2013 ) . To reason, interior design and ornament of life and working can make a more comfy infinite. 2.0.3 Practical factors Practical factors in design are concerned with the wellness of worlds. It includes facets such as organic stuffs and comfy chairs and desks. In order to cut down toxic gases in life or working infinite, organic stuffs should be used such as wood, wool, slate, cotton and gorgeous fabrics ( Gibson, 2013 ) . Furthermore, ergonomic chairs and desks should be used which gives relaxation and comfy feeling. Harmonizing to Aulenback ( 2013 ) , proper accommodation of chair, desk dimensions and tallness of proctor can cut down back hurts and wellness hazard of employees. In short, use ergonomic equipment and organic stuffs in modern design of life or working infinite is an of import. 2.1 Planing an ideal office Having outlined the above factors associating to general design, it is now necessary to use them to the design of an office. 2.1.1 Environmental factors in an office design Environmental factors in an office include energy decrease and natural airing. Sing energy decrease, energy ingestion can be reduced by utilizing sunshine in the office environment, this impacting positive productiveness and the moral of employees ( Rayfield, 1997 ) . Equally far as natural airing is concerned, a cross airing system would let natural air flow throughout the office and corridors making a fresh ambiance in the office ( Goodell, 2010 ) . In short, low energy use and natural airing would ensue in an eco-friendly office taking to increase productiveness. 2.1.2 Affectional factors in an office design Affectional factors in an office design would affect the usage of appropriate colorss and an interior furniture design that positively affects the temper, emphasis degrees and behavior of workers. Sing colorss, the office could include bluish and green, the Blue and Green colour excite the heads of employees ( Akkan Design, 2014 ) . Refering interior furniture design, work can be performed in an efficient and originative mode when unit of ammunition shaped furniture is used. This is confirmed by a 2013 survey demoing that when employees were seated at a curving form desk they were more likely to prosecute in meeting. ( Australian authorities Comcare, 2002 ) . In decision, appropriate colorss and interior furniture design of an office creates a pleasant and productive ambiance. 2.1.3 Practical factors in an office design Practical factors in an office design would include lighting and equipment, such as chairs and desks which affect the wellness of workers. Refering lighting, usage of fluorescent tubings in the office would supply different qualities of visible radiation, such as natural, warm or daylight coloring material. By utilizing these, eyes fatigue and concern jobs can be reduced ( Hawary, 2011 ) . Sing desk design, a desk should hold a smooth and level surface, rounded corners and good entree for the user’s legs. In add-on, chairs should hold different maps such as accommodation of tallness, turn overing wheels and back joust to cut down back hurting job ( National Occupational Commission, 2011 ) . Hence, proper lighting and comfy chairs and desks are required to cut down wellness jobs.DecisionThis study has outlined the factors associating to the design of a working or populating infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical facets. It has besides discussed the applic ation of these factors in the ideal design of an office. 4.0 Recommendation Having discussed the factors involved in planing a life or working infinite, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The undermentioned recommendations are given for the design of an ideal office. Environmental factorsInstall windows on the West and east side to let sunshine into the office.Allow natural air flow by utilizing a cross airing system to make a fresh ambiance.Affectional factorsDecorate the office with Blue and Green colour to make a pleasant and productive ambiance.Make a pleasant and friendly environment by maintaining cosmetic container on desk.Practical factorsUse fluorescent visible radiations to make natural, warm or daylight colorss of visible radiation to cut down oculus fatigue and concern jobs.Fit comfy desks which have smooth and level surfaces and good entree for user’s legs.Provide chairs with different maps, such as back joust, turn overing wheels and accommodation of tallness to cut down back hurting job.Reference ListAkkan Design. ( 2014 ) . How Color Affects Mood in Office and Interior Design. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Aulenback, S. ( 2013 ) . 6 Ways to contend weariness while utilizing your standing desk. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Australian Government Comcare. ( 2002 ) . Officewise. ISBN 1 921160 17 9 Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Gibson, R. ( 2013 ) . 10 Contemporary Elementss that Every Home demands. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Goodell, l. ( 2010 ) . How to Make a Productive Office Environment. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Hawary, S. ( 2011 ) . Lighting rules in interior design of direction infinites. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. ( 2011 ) . Ergonomic Principles and Checklists for the Selection of Office Furniture and Equipment. ISBN 0 644 24516 6 Rayfield, J. K. ( 1997 ) . The office Interior Design Guide. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Drum sanders, A. ( 2014 ) . How Does Room Decoration Affect Mood? Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Seminara, D. ( 2014 ) . Eco Housing Design. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Taylor, J. ( n.d ) . 8 Ways to Get Ambient Lighting. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart

Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart Introduction ‘Things Fall Apart’, is story written by Chinua Achebe in 1958. It talks of the social and cultural aspects of pre-colonial Africa and the effects of western civilizations (Ogbaa xv). The author criticizes imperialism and British colonization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is a tragic story where the protagonist is Okonkwo. It talks of a man named Okonkwo, who was a wrestler and an influential leader in an African village called Umofia, inhabited by the Igbo ethnic group. He initially amasses fame, and honor in Umofia through victorious wrestling but finally comes to a tragic downfall. Okonkwo was polygamous with three wives and several children. The novel emphasize on the encounters of the pre-colonial Africa and the effect of British colonialism during the 19th century (Bloom 51). This paper shall discuss culture and tr adition as a social issue involved in the Chinua Achebe’s Things fall Apart. Culture and Traditions of Igbo The author emphasize on cultural and social aspects on the brink of change thorough different characters, creating tension on if to embrace change or to remain for status quo. Okonkwo disregard the new system religiously and politically, may be because he would lose his social status. The Igbo however, have been oppressed by these traditions and therefore find refuge in the new system, where once outcasts, are now be recognized. There exists a dilemma on the new dawn that scares them since it could interfere with their social life such as farming and trade. Okonkwo is a rich and respectable African warrior in Umofia. However his late father, Unoka was a lazy man, a coward, disreputable and died with several debts since he concentrated on taking palm-wine, leaving his family to go hungry. Unoka became the laughingstock of Umofia being referred to as Agbala to mean, †˜womanly weaknesses’ Unlike him, Okonkwo is resentful to his father and evades being like him by becoming ‘manly’ as a clansman, a wealthy farmer, and a respectable warrior not to mention him being a controlling family man. This parent-child relationship affects him to become violent, over-ambitious and disrespectful, associating masculinity with aggression and acts irrationally (Bloom 141).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Okonkwo‘s son, Nwoye is lazy and it disturbs Okonkwo that his son might take after his grandfather, Unoka. This indicates that the villagers believed in passing inheritable aspects to future generations. Moreover, they engage in adoption, for instance the village adopts a young boy called Ikemefuna whom Okonkwo takes guardianship as a surrogate son, for peace offering from the village, Mbaino to maintain peace after t he boy’s father murdered an Umofian woman. He has to live with the boy until further instructions are given to elders from the oracle. The two becomes so close to each other, as the boy regard Okonkwo as a father and Nwoye becomes friends with the boy. Ikemefuna coexist happily with the family for three years, becoming part of them. In another instance, Okonkwo’s kinsmen particularly, Uchendu his uncle, welcomes him and his family in his maternal village called Mbanta after they are sent into exile. He seeks refuge in his motherland as Uchendu states that; It is true that a child belongs to his father. But when the father beats his child, it seeks sympathy in its mothers hut. A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and bitterness, he finds refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you. She is buried there. And that is why we say that mother is supreme (Achebe 134). The quote not only emphasizes th e position of women in the village but also the importance of having good family relationships. He is built his huts and given yam seed to plant in his motherland although he is still depressed, blaming chief his spirit for disappointing his greatness in the village. After exile, he had gone back to Umofia after organizing a farewell ceremony to thank his kinsmen for the stay. This emphasizes on the significance of maintaining close family bonds to the Igbo (Bloom 39). Wife beating and carrying out sacrifices are other practices in the village. Okonkwo proves volatile and easily provoked as he beats his youngest wife called Ojiugo during an important period referred to as Week of Peace, accusing her of neglect of the family.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This interrupts with the peace meant to prevail the whole week but Okonkwo has to sacrifice to p ay up for his sins and to show repentance. Okonkwo also shoots Ekwefi, his second wife due to a small issue of wrapping food with Okonkwo’s banana leaves during Feast of the New Yam. From this practice, the reader is enlightened of the significance of ceremonies and farming in Umofia. It is clear that the Igbo practice farming and trade as depicted where Okonkwo receives cowries from selling yams from Oberika who promise to sell them until he would go back to Umofia. Clansmen preside over public trials in Umofia, where nine clansmen have met to signify the ancestor’s spirits. The nine clansmen also referred to as Egwugwu, signify the nine Umofian clans. Okonkwo is separated from the rest of the clansmen to settle a domestic case where Mgbafo, a woman has suffered assaults from his husband, taken back to her motherland, but the husband needed her to go back. The Egwugwu, advices the man to offer palm wine to his in-laws to appease the wife to return home. This case is t oo trivial to be presented to the Egwugwu as some elders perceive it (Heiser 26). The villagers believe in unnatural phenomenon, which have to be prevented through human sacrifice to appease the gods. When locusts invade the village, the elder informs Okonkwo the Oracle’s guideline, which require killing of Ikemefuna to avenge for Umofian woman murdered in the previous year in Mbaino. He is warned of killing Ikemefuna as it would despise the earth goddess who could show his vengeance to the village. Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna irrespective of being warned by a village elder, Ogbuefu Ezeudu. Following this event, he lie to the boy that he is to be returned to his home village as the entire family mourns his departure. However, the boy is excited to reunite with his family but he is unfortunately attacked by Okonkwo’s clansmen. On seeking help from Okonkwo, he kills the boy to showoff his might to the clansmen irrespective of the Oracle’s caution. Consequently, things start to fall apart. This emphasize on the need to adhere to elders and more so, the religious directives. As Okonkwo becomes greatly saddened, he loses his appetite and spends sleepless nights and decides to visit Obierika who is disappointed with Okonkwo’s act. He is however consoled and is able to find sleep. Bad omens follow consequently, as his daughter becomes ill. As a result, the use of herbal medicine among the Igbo is manifested as Okonkwo prepares some for his daughter, and she recovers after taking the medicine.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Igbo are religious as seen through various rituals. Besides, there are priestess e.g. Chielo, who advice the second wife of Okonkwo, Ekwefi that Agbala required the sight of Ezinma, which makes Okonkwo to argue. Chielo present Ezinma to the nine clans and moves inside the cave of the Oracle. Ekwefi has been following in secret despite being warned by Chielo and stands beside the entrance to be surprised by appearance of Okonkwo as they wait together. The following morning Ekwefi is offered Ezinma by Chielo and they sleeps together. Moreover, the Igbo conduct funeral ceremonies where clansmen take the lead. When the elder, Ogbuefu Ezeudu dies his death is announced using ekwe. This depresses Okonkwo more since he failed to adhere to the elder’s advice. During his funeral ceremony, Okonkwo’s gun fatefully shoots at teenage boy, who is Ogbuefu Ezeudu’s son unexpectedly. Since causing death of a village elder is a despicable act for the earth goddess, he is take n hostage in exile for a period of 7 years for atonement. Moreover, his properties are burnt in order to cleanse. Additionally, Enoch, a Christian convert reveals Egwugwu on an occasion meant to adore earth god. This act is so despicable and is compared to putting to death ancestral spirits (Whittaker Msiska 120). The upset of these traditions and cultural practices begins as missionaries and colonialists arrive in the village as tension and dilemma prevails. Okonkwo is informed by Oberika, who visit him in his second year that Abame, which is a neighboring village, was put to destruction by a white man who arrived with a bicycle. After conferring from the oracle, they became aware that the foreigner and his fellows would put into devastation, the clans, which led him to be killed but the villagers. In vengeance, the villagers were killed in mass by the white men. Okonkwo see the villagers as having acted foolishly to murder a stranger. Later, six missionaries arrive in Mbanta led by Kiaga, the interpreter of Mr. Brown who addresses the villagers on Christianity, and whom Okonkwo sees as being cynical. Conversely, Nwoye is converted to become a Christian. Brown points out that the villagers serve a false god and having several gods for worship is idolatry, advocating for Holy Trinity as the supreme deity. The missionaries are offered a land to build the church by the elders whose intention is to kill them all since the land lies within the Evil forest, a cursed land. Unexpectedly, they do not die and villagers maintain that the missionaries have unusual power or magic. This depicts their conservativeness and permittivity in thinking, being led by traditions rather than rational thinking or reason. However, the social outcasts such as women and some men are given a privilege in the new system. The first convert is Efulefu, a useless villager, followed by women. However, the system has no place for conservatives such as Okonkwo, whose term in exile has ended. H e is surprised how things have changed in the village with many Christian converts. In Umofia, the missionaries start a school in which Nwoye attends, leaving his family behind. There is even a prison built by the whites having a governmental legal court, used for trying the law breakers, where native Umofians have been employed. He wonders why the villagers have not reacted back to chase away Christianity and oppressive government. The villagers have been assimilated in the new political system. As a way to show cultural assimilation, Mr. Brown shows regard for the traditions of the natives and aspires to learn of their culture and even befriends the clansmen. He advocate for education for all, as seen by Nwoye who now is called Isaac and has been attending the teacher’s college. However, Okonkwo is not pleased with the changes. Mr. Brown only hopes to convert the villagers to Christianity (Ogbaa xix). His health deteriorates and he is forced to go back home and Reverend Jam es Smith takes over. He is stricter and does not tolerate the traditions of the clans, though he amasses several converts e.g. Enoch an extremely zealous convert. When Egwugwu puts Enoch’s compound on fire and brings down Reverend Smith’s church, the acts disappoints the District commissioner who demands meeting with the six leaders. They are arrested an imprisoned and fined 250 cowries bags where the villagers gather them and the six are released. On their freeing, a gathering is held by clansmen but is dispersed by a court order. Okonkwo resists courageously and portray his bravely expecting support from clansmen as he murders the messenger leader using a machete. The crowd releases other messengers, which makes Okonkwo to realize he is alone in the fight and the village has surrendered since the social values and cohesion has been compromised in his absence realizing that, things have fallen apart. The DC goes to Okonkwo’s compound only to realize that he com mitted suicide through hanging, an act which he ironically meant to express his manliness and forever escape to be defeated. Oberika, his friend claims that suicide is inauspicious thus the tradition prevents the clansmen to touch him (Achebe 125). Conclusion The novel handles the experiences during the 1890s in Umofia, a small village along the Niger River in the African nation, Nigeria. After the British colonialists arrived in the village, there were missionaries already and people sought solace in the churches. Western civilizations interfered with cultural, economic and social values of the village. Villagers inhabited Umofia in patriarchal political system where decisions came from council, made up of nine clansmen who sometimes, got directives from religious leaders. British arrival however, upset this socio-political system and began to interfere with social disputes, even establishing courts and prisons. This disregarded the traditional social setup and the reallocation of power in this village, leading to the tragedy of Okonkwo, who would rather be seen dead than alive but helpless (Whittaker Msiska 66). Igbo people are depicted by the author as having powerful social institutions such as wrestling, practice of human sacrifice, religious rituals, ceremonies, and family. They rely heavily on traditions regarding justice as the people are led by the council made of elders, in this democratic village. The males are decision makers and leaders while the position of a woman is home making. Gender disparity is clear in this village and the crimes are identified with gender where the accidental killings by Okonkwo are referred to as female. Women are underrated in the village and oppressed by culture and traditions seen as child bearers, properties to their husbands, to be beaten and reprimanded. Men are allowed to marry as many wives for a status symbol. However, the colonialists interfere with these social setups, and introduce new ones. Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers. 1958. Print. Bloom, Harold. Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart. New York: Infobase Publishing. 2010. Print. Heiser, Fred. Things Fall Apart. Lincoln, NE: Writers Club Press. 2002. Print. Ogbaa, Kalu. Understanding Things Fall Apart: A Student Casebook To Issues, Sources, And Historical Documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 1999. Print. Whittaker, David and Msiska, Mpalive-Hangson. Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart. New York: Routledge. 2007. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Literary Wit and Wisdom

Literary Wit and Wisdom Chinua Achebe (1930-2013, Nigeria): â€Å"We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own. The Igbo, always practical, put it concretely in their proverb Onye ji onye nani ji onwe ya: He who will hold another down in the mud must stay in the mud to keep him down,† The Education of a British-Protected Child. Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986, Argentina): â€Å"You cant measure time by days, the way you measure money by dollars and cents, because dollars are all the same while every day is different and maybe every hour as well.† Willa Cather (1873-1947, United States): â€Å"In great misfortunes, people want to be alone. They have a right to be. And the misfortunes that occur within one are the greatest. Surely the saddest thing in the world is falling out of loveif once one has ever fallen in,† The Professor’s House. Kate Chopin (1850-1904, United States): â€Å"Some people are born with a vital and responsive energy. It not only enables them to keep abreast of the times; it qualifies them to furnish in their own personality a good bit of the motive power to the mad pace. They are fortunate beings. They do not need to apprehend the significance of things. They do not grow weary nor miss step, nor do they fall out of rank and sink by the wayside to be left contemplating the moving procession, The Awakening.    Victor Hugo (1802-1885, France) â€Å"What Is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, England): â€Å"A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.† George Orwell (1903-1950, England) â€Å"A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it, 1984. Natsume SÃ… seki (1867-1916, Japan) â€Å"Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours, The Three-Cornered World. John Steinbeck (1902-1968, United States) â€Å"Its so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone, The Winter of Our Discontent. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745, Ireland) â€Å"You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong. It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910, Russia) â€Å"If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you, Essays, Letters and Miscellanies. Edith Wharton (1862-1937, United States) â€Å"A classic is classic not because it conforms to certain structural rules, or fits certain definitions (of which its author had quite probably never heard). It is classic because of a certain eternal and irrepressible freshness.† Émile Zola (1840-1902, France) â€Å"If people can just love each other a little bit, they can be so happy,† Germinal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Firm Resources and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Research Paper

Firm Resources and Sustainable Competitive Advantage - Research Paper Example Since strategic management influences each and every department of the company it, therefore, takes each and every department into consideration while developing the hardcore organizational goals and policies. Thus from this we can gather that strategic management is basically used to give a sense of direction to the organization, it provides each and every department the goals that it needs to achieve and a policy to work towards these goals, such as the importance of strategic management for an organization and hence this is handled directly by the board of directors or the CEO and rightly so. Many a companies have failed to make it right to the top because they have placed lesser emphasis on strategic management and they have also overlooked the fact, most conveniently, that for different situations there needs to be different strategy altogether and since each and every firm is different, much like individuals, the difference in cost structures and other factors should be taken i n to consideration while developing a strategy. For this to be done the company must keep a keen eye on the competitor i.e. a competitor analysis should be done whenever the need arises this is extremely important because in certain market structures there exists a high level of interdependency and hence the decisions one's competitor makes is of great importance to the company itself. The company needs to indulge in self-evaluation as well because to ascertain where the company is heading and what the current situation within the company is, a self-evaluation is of great importance. Self-evaluation also pinpoints the choke points or the points where the company needs to focus and remove the hindrances in order to move forward. The third player in any market is the government or the economy of that particular area and hence to have a successful strategy it is extremely important that company evaluates the economy on the macro as well as the microeconomic scale. As far as the iron ore and steel industry are concerned it is extreme ly important that the carry out the macro and micro-economic studies because this industry is the provider of raw material to a number of other industries and hence if the macroeconomic situation is good enough then the company would do better and it should also be able to predict what is going to happen in the next 6-12 months and hence plan accordingly because a steep fall in demand can cause huge losses to an industry that is as large as this.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Biographies of Ronald Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biographies of Ronald Reagan - Essay Example Though he questions the rationality of Reagan’s policies, he welcomes how his method and political capacity reassured the country and in varied dimensions changed the nation’s political course. He further argues that, Reagan failed to realize his targets. However, he managed to reduce expenditure, taxes, arrears, and size of administration. Furthermore, he instigated a course of change in varied areas that persist to direct the liaison between commonplace Americans and the organization that administer them. The country has undergone a Reagan revolution in many facets of administrational and legal policy. He labeled a ‘big administration’ as a problem. He also made attempts to endorse a conservative social ethic. He changed the lingo and content of U.S. politics in a conservative direction. He brought many devout, scholarly and economic conservatives into the state’s political mainstream. Charles Dunn investigates into the opinionated legacy of Reagan ’s confirmation and rise of his political rank in a democratic system. Reagan at all times presented himself as a commonplace American native in office. He was an ethical and an efficient leader. This efficient leader was also practical, flexible, and at times treacherous. He further describes him as an independent politician. He ventured into politics, not for fame, but due to his firm innate beliefs. This made his political regime has an outstanding appeal even in the worst of situations. Reagan was an efficient communicator who upheld to fundamental principles.